Texts missing for kunal (kunalmachra)

ID Text Length Races Difficulty Rating
4590001 Hear about the new restaurant called Karma? There's no menu: You get what you de... 86 1,474 0.9679
4590002 Did you hear about the actor who fell through the floorboards? He was just going... 97 1,501 1.0670
4590004 Why don't scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything. 66 1,514 0.9893
4590005 How do you drown a hipster? Throw him in the mainstream. 56 1,622 0.9934
4590009 Why don't Calculus majors throw house parties? Because you should never drink an... 89 1,302 0.9825
4590010 What's the difference between a cat and a comma? A cat has claws at the end of p... 127 1,134 1.0530
4590011 What did the bald man exclaim when he received a comb for a present? Thanks! I'l... 101 1,409 0.9693
4590013 What did one hat say to the other? You wait here. I'll go on a head. 68 1,750 1.0628
4590014 What did the shark say when he ate the clownfish? This tastes a little funny. 77 1,651 1.0607
4590016 And the Lord said unto John, "Come forth and you will receive eternal life." But... 116 1,105 0.9192
4590017 My wife accused me of being immature. I told her to get out of my fort. 71 1,771 1.1237
4590018 You don't need a parachute to go skydiving. You need a parachute to go skydiving... 87 1,510 1.0322
4590019 Parallel lines have so much in common. It's a shame they'll never meet. 71 1,613 1.0311
4590020 Someone stole my mood ring. I don't know how I feel about that. 63 1,285 1.0848
4590021 My grandfather has the heart of a lion and a lifetime ban at the zoo. 69 88 1.0710
4590023 You're not completely useless. You can always serve as a bad example. 69 73 0.9628
4590027 What's the difference between a hippo and a zippo? One is really heavy, and the ... 106 1,122 1.0388
4590029 What did the mayonnaise say when the refrigerator door was opened? Close the doo... 96 403 0.9620
4590031 How do you make holy water? You boil the hell out of it. 56 1,273 1.0756
4590032 I was wondering why the ball was getting bigger. Then it hit me. 64 75 1.1535
4590033 Two windmills are standing in a wind farm. One asks, "What's your favorite kind ... 129 953 0.9009
4590034 Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He's all right now. 81 523 1.0548
4590035 Is it ignorance or apathy that's destroying the world today? I don't know and do... 96 416 0.9800
4590036 How do you tell if a vampire is sick? By how much he is coffin. 63 1,467 1.0406
4590037 Almost 6 million Americans currently are not working, and that number skyrockets... 138 1,249 1.0858
4590039 How many doctors does it take to change a light bulb? It depends on what kind of... 110 1,133 1.0814
4590040 My son Luke adores that we named him after Star Wars characters. His brother Jab... 121 1,182 0.9903
4590042 Anton, do you think I'm a bad mother? Mom, my name is Paul. 59 1,226 0.9439
4590047 Coco Chanel once said that you should put perfume on places where you want to be... 122 1,204 1.0741
4590048 Oh darling, since you've started dieting, you've become such a passionate kisser... 143 1,047 0.9926
4590049 Me and my wife, we've decided that we don't want to have children. So anybody wh... 162 1,154 1.0908
4590050 I was making Russian tea. Unfortunately I cannot fish the teabag out of the vodk... 89 1,249 1.0103
4590051 So much has changed since my girlfriend told me we're having a baby. For instanc... 120 1,167 1.0283
4590052 A woman in a bikini reveals about 90% of her body.... and yet most men are so po... 121 973 0.9940
4590053 A son asks his mother: Mom, the kids are laughing at me, they say my teeth are t... 158 1,008 0.9792
4590056 My girlfriend says that I am snoopy. But OK, maybe she meant it differently when... 107 1,046 0.9873
4590058 An optimist sees light at the end of a tunnel and thinks it's an exit. A pessimi... 223 939 1.0457
4590060 Andy has 150 candy bars. He eats 125. What does Andy have now? Andy has diabetes... 85 1,105 0.8967
4590061 What are you looking at when you see two homeless dudes hitting each other with ... 114 1,260 1.0712
4590062 Don't be sad when a bird craps on your head. Be happy that dogs can't fly. 74 1,415 1.0626
4590067 To be or not to be a horse rider, that is equestrian. 53 882 1.0314
4590068 What do you call an animal you keep in your car? A carpet. 58 12 1.2952
4590071 Two ships collided. One was carrying a load of red paint, the other a load of bl... 123 656 1.0527
4590077 I wanted to marry my English teacher when she got out of jail, but apparently yo... 122 683 1.0778
4590080 Sometimes I tuck my knees into my chest and lean forward. That's just how I roll. 81 919 1.0501
4590081 I quit my job at the helium factory today. I refuse to be spoken to in that tone... 90 779 1.0439
4590083 I went to see the Liberty Bell recently. I don't know why everyone makes such a ... 134 655 1.0595
4590091 I woke up this morning and forgot which side the sun rises from, then it dawned ... 86 804 1.1460
4590092 How did the turkey win the talent show? With his drum-sticks. 61 733 1.0120
4590093 What did the dog say to his doctor? Be careful with the thermometer, last time i... 97 701 1.0425
4590094 My buddy said he threw a stick five miles and his dog managed to find it and bro... 121 676 1.0966
4590097 I just got fired from my job at the keyboard factory. They told me I wasn't putt... 101 721 1.0436