Texts missing for Ranit (colemakgang)

ID Text Length Races Difficulty Rating
0 This is a placeholder text. You are seeing it because there are no other texts a... 167 1 0.8986
3430000 The current account shows the receipts and payments for trade in goods and servi... 198 5 1.0388
3430001 Balance on the current account = balance on goods and services + net income + ne... 100 1 1.0332
3430005 The capital and financial account records the financial assets and liabilities (... 401 1 0.9117
3430006 The capital and financial account records the financial assets and liabilities (... 401 1 0.9947
3430007 The financial account shows Australia's transactions in foreign financial assets... 222 1 0.9963
3430008 The floating of the Australian Dollar plays a key role of ensuring that there is... 237 2 0.8754
3430009 The balance of payments is an important indicator of the health of an economy. I... 224 4 1.0673
3430013 Vaibhav Kumar is a gay cunt. 28 10 0.9078
3430017 International trade plays a significant role in the Australian economy. This is ... 280 3 1.0611
3430018 Australia is a relatively small economy with low national savings levels but is ... 135 3 1.1524
3430019 In the 1950s, our main trading partners were UK and other European countries. In... 258 3 0.9886
3430020 International trade flows refer to the exchange of goods and services across nat... 232 3 1.0977
3430021 In 1983, the Australian financial system was deregulated and foreign exchange co... 144 1 1.0459
3430022 The biggest change has been in the composition of investment, away from direct i... 114 11 1.0772
3430023 Accords: A series of agreements between the ACTU (Australian Council of Trade Un... 128 2 0.8284
3430024 The Current Account is the part of the Balance of Payments that records money fl... 180 2 1.0193
3430025 The Financial Account is a record of financial transactions over time in terms o... 123 3 1.0325
3430026 The Capital Account records flows of capital transfers into and out of Australia. 81 1 1.0988
3430027 Capital and financial account (KAFA): Records the borrowing, lending, sales and ... 273 2 0.9797
3430028 The Balance of Payments is a record of the monetary value transactions between A... 272 4 1.0990
3430029 Primary income refers to money flows involving earnings on investment, including... 115 4 1.1251
3430030 Secondary income refers to non-market transfers. 48 1 1.2395
3430032 CERTA: Closer Economic Relations Trade Agreement - bilateral agreement between A... 105 4 0.8935
3430033 Coincident indicators: Figures for economic activity occurring at the same time ... 100 3 1.0292
3430034 Core inflation: Inflation without distortions of one-off taxes (like GST) and se... 95 4 1.0091
3430035 Corporatisation/Commercialisation: Making a government body run as a business, c... 141 6 1.0564
3430036 Consumer Price Index (CPI): An index relative to a base year that shows how pric... 138 5 1.0433
3430037 Cost-push inflation: Rise in the price level caused increase business cost and c... 93 3 1.0395
3430038 The mediator between the heads and the hands is the heart. 58 4 1.0296
3430039 supercalifragilisticexpialidocious supercalifragilisticexpialidocious supercalif... 350 1 0.8159
3430041 supercalifragilisticexpialidocious supercalifragilisticexpialidocious supercalif... 105 1 0.8113
3430042 Current Account Deficit (CAD): A measurement of a country's trade in which the v... 169 4 1.0079
3430043 Debt servicing ratio: The proportion of export revenue that is used to make repa... 184 4 1.0489
3430044 Debt trap: The situation in which CAD increases lead to net foreign debt and int... 149 4 1.0147
3430045 Demand-pull inflation: Rise in the price level caused by excessive aggregate dem... 84 2 0.9472
3430046 Derivatives market (financial): Is where financial products which are derived fr... 216 8 0.9968
3430047 Developing economies: Those countries that suffer from low levels of economic de... 170 5 1.1067
3430048 Dynamic efficiency: Ability to adapt to changing situations and new opportunities. 82 8 1.0095
3430050 Embargo: A government regulation preventing the import of an item 65 1 1.1892
3430051 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): The movements of funds between countries for th... 312 2 1.0050
3430052 Foreign Direct Investment (FDI): The movements of funds between countries for th... 312 4 1.0073
3430054 IMF: An international agency that consists of 184 members and that oversees the ... 243 3 0.9907
3430055 Lagging indicators: Figures for economic activity that don't occur until the eco... 112 2 1.0441
3430057 A floating exchange rate is when the value of an economy's currency is determine... 145 4 1.1394
3430059 Macroeconomic policies: Policies aimed minimising fluctuations in the business c... 177 6 0.9594
3430060 Microeconomic policies: Policies aimed at increasing efficiency and productivity... 260 1 1.0237
3430061 Newly industrialised countries: Economies that have had rapid economic growth in... 212 1 0.9704
3430062 Trade Weighted Index (TWI): A measurement of the value of the Australian dollar ... 232 3 0.9394
3430063 Oligopoly: A market situation dominated by a few firms. 55 4 1.1059
3430064 Phillips curve: A diagram that shows the interaction of inflation and unemployme... 154 1 0.8404
3430066 AUSFTA: Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement. 53 3 0.8479
3430067 Lewes is more arrogant than Vaibhav and Varun Sharma and Matt. 62 3 0.9066
3430070 Stagflation: Economic situation of high unemployment and high inflation. 72 2 0.9511
3430071 Underlying inflation: Measure of CPI inflation adjusted for volatile items 74 7 1.1813
3430072 Economics: the branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption, a... 102 2 0.8506
3430073 GDP: Gross Domestic Product is the total amount of production, income and consum... 112 14 1.0118
3430074 Wage-price spiral: Situation where a wage increase is followed by a price increa... 172 5 1.0186
3430075 World Bank: A group of financial institutions that assist poorer nations with ec... 191 6 1.0798
3430077 Australia produces less than 2 % of global economic output but exports around 25... 154 3 0.9301
3430078 Until 2008-09, US and EU were the major source of imports, with Japan's declinin... 274 1 0.8301
3430080 With greater internationalisation of the Australian economy, exports and imports... 212 6 0.8673
3430082 In 2010, the value of investment flows into Australia was AU $2 trillion. The va... 141 2 0.7535
3430083 In the 1980s, Australia changed from a managed flexible peg to a floating exchan... 156 2 1.0510
3430084 In 2008 there were over 3,000 foreign affiliates of MNCs located in Australia an... 110 3 0.8290