Texts missing for twitch.tv/typeracerderochee (thebrownfoxquicklyjumpsoverthe)

ID Text Length Races Difficulty Rating
1890002 Every night, Frank would go down to the liquor store, get a six pack, bring it h... 1138 0 0.0000
1900000 After 10 consecutive years the Saigon Cyclo Challenge has changed its format to ... 2363 77 0.9922
2390002 1.a) [MAN] A man ordered 2,000 drums of pink ping pong balls in Paris, France. E... 1949 0 0.0000
3990002 Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a ne... 1466 0 0.0000
4300048 Let me be as real as I can, I need you to get this. Everybody ain't your friend.... 1528 0 0.0000
5390090 Oeroeg was my friend. When I think back on my childhood and adolescence, an imag... 803 0 0.0000
5390247 She had never observed his face more composed and she grabbed his hand and held ... 860 0 0.0000
5390302 Tony, I'm glad you're back at the compound. I don't like the idea of you rattlin... 913 0 0.0000