Text #7

The day dawned bleak and chill, a moving wall of gray light out of the northeast which, instead of dissolving into moisture, seemed to disintegrate into minute and venomous particles, like dust that, when Dilsey opened the door of the cabin and emerged, needled laterally into her flesh, precipitating not so much a moisture as a substance partaking of the quality of thin, not quite congealed oil.

—from The Sound and the Fury, a book by William Faulkner

Active since December 17, 2020.
398 total characters in this text.

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Rank Username WPM Accuracy Date
1. Joe (eoj05) 77.64 97% 2020-12-17
2. bebebe (beebbe) 74.79 96% 2024-04-08
3. 1% (m1a2t3) 58.05 98% 2021-02-03
4. Eslam (eslamalien) 54.10 95% 2022-08-16


Universe Races Average WPM First Race
Default (English) 103,176 77.80 August 3, 2008
Long Texts 192 68.69 December 30, 2016
Instant Death Mode 82 84.79 June 1, 2010
Smoke Rise Prep 21 64.07 February 14, 2016
Riverside Middle School 4 55.49 April 11, 2011
##typeracer 4 66.15 December 17, 2020
Global Food 2 80.14 July 24, 2010