Text #3810835

You're right, Will. I can't do this proof. But you can and when it comes to that it's only about... it's just a handful of people in the world who can tell the difference between you and me. But I'm one of them.

—from Good Will Hunting, a movie by Gus van Sant

Active since June 26, 2017.
211 total characters in this text.

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View ranks through of 23,592
Rank Username WPM Accuracy Date
4. izanagi (etherealvoid) 220.52 100% 2023-06-13
5. Sean Wrona (arenasnow) 218.20 100% 2019-05-19
6. $950 kevin rudd pay packet ... 213.74 100% 2022-02-20
7. hi (helloimnotgood1) 213.23 99.5% 2024-10-02
8. איזי (iamtyperacer) 212.13 100% 2023-05-22
9. chillin (slekap) 210.07 100% 2020-08-30
10. (xanderec) 205.03 99.5% 2024-11-04
11. decompose (decompose) 204.64 100% 2021-07-05
12. REMOVE GHOST SCORES FROM LB... 204.42 100% 2024-07-02
13. r (deroche1) 203.97 100% 2018-06-01
14. Eksany (sany5505) 203.46 100% 2024-05-26
15. PEAR (enscarr) 201.42 99.5% 2024-09-24
16. (keegant) 200.00 100% 2020-05-10
17. (flaneur) 199.67 100% 2021-07-01
18. anmransihin (poopandfart) 199.35 100% 2021-01-02
19. Jesse (jessegarcia) 198.23 100% 2022-01-20
20. Izanagi (baguettianmysticism) 195.85 99% 2021-11-02
21. free skin (goldjet30) 195.22 100% 2020-10-06
22. azerbaijani_cat7 (gianthetaco) 194.81 100% 2024-09-04
23. PR0FE550R (keyboard_frank_209) 192.11 99% 2021-05-06
24. burger flipper (melikepi) 191.98 99% 2023-05-01
25. Volhosis (v... 191.29 98.7% 2024-09-11
26. Vielle (arc_sec) 189.84 100% 2019-02-12
27. jse (dragoncityjose) 189.82 99.5% 2024-11-20
28. Rest in peace (michael910) 189.58 100% 2020-07-29
29. ngnq (ngnq) 189.39 99.5% 2024-04-03
30. Dowon (dowon) 189.18 100% 2024-01-03
31. (shazman) 189.10 100% 2019-03-31
32. rocket (mythicalrocket) 188.52 97% 2022-10-15
33. mikel trayvon h*eckman (lol... 188.20 99% 2020-08-30


Universe Races Average WPM First Race
Default (English) 41,588 87.09 June 26, 2017
Instant Death Mode 181 95.26 September 25, 2017
ᗜ Stenography 2 134.72 June 14, 2021