Ergonomics is a term that combines the Greek word ergon, meaning "work," and the English word economics. Simply stated, it is "the study and management of the relationship between the worker and the environment."
—from Mastering Computer Typing (1995), a book by Sheryl Lindsell-Roberts
Active since February 2, 2021.
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Rank | Username | WPM | Accuracy | Date |
1. | nick (nickcolombia) | 88.29 | 98% | 2024-03-16 |
2. | Yohatu (yohatu) | 82.94 | 97% | 2021-04-29 |
3. | sofia (sofiamagat19) | 79.68 | 97% | 2024-03-01 |
4. | Joe (eoj05) | 72.79 | 94.9% | 2021-02-02 |
5. | GreenLlama (elegantllama) | 70.22 | 96% | 2021-02-18 |
6. | Eslam (eslamalien) | 46.66 | 94% | 2022-08-12 |
Universe | Races | Average WPM | First Race |
Default (English) | 105,121 | 70.58 | September 30, 2008 |
Instant Death Mode | 274 | 75.69 | March 29, 2010 |
PVCA | 41 | 35.02 | March 31, 2011 |
Stroudsburg Jr. High | 26 | 56.01 | February 17, 2011 |
Smoke Rise Prep | 16 | 50.90 | February 24, 2016 |
Riverside Middle School | 15 | 37.27 | January 24, 2011 |
##typeracer | 6 | 72.05 | February 2, 2021 |
TypeRacer Classic | 4 | 65.74 | June 15, 2021 |
Mrs. Wunschel's TypeRacer Universe | 1 | 30.97 | January 18, 2013 |