Text analysis for Rubina-using this site after 2 yrs, (rubina_rocks)

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Rank Text Best WPM Overall Difficulty Relative Speed Text Length Races Average WPM Last race
1. Anathema - something that is hated. It seemed that work was ... 88.27 1.0772 0.0880 285 4 74.35 2011-06-23
2. Umbrage - offense, resemblance. He seemed to take great umbr... 87.77 1.0015 0.1647 265 4 75.95 2011-07-01
3. Hapless - unlucky, unfortunate. The hapless boy lost his gir... 86.62 1.0433 0.0996 311 2 84.18 2011-06-23
4. Ingenuous - sincere, candid, innocent. At first I thought he... 82.47 0.9993 0.0885 340 2 76.66 2011-07-01
5. Demagogue - a leader who gains power from exciting the emoti... 82.35 1.0499 0.0444 259 2 80.90 2011-06-23
6. Abase - to lower in position, to humiliate. She was resolved... 81.88 1.0421 0.0418 336 1 81.88 2011-06-23
7. Supplant - to replace, to supersede. That model was supplant... 81.75 1.0152 0.0681 344 3 78.09 2011-07-01
8. Affable - friendly, good-natured. He was always popular with... 80.55 1.0235 0.0437 350 1 80.55 2011-06-23
9. Notorious - widely known, often for negative reasons. He was... 79.87 1.0294 0.0259 284 2 79.20 2011-06-23
10. Fastidious - having excessively high standards, demanding. H... 79.69 1.0166 0.0372 369 1 79.69 2011-06-23
11. Abhor - to hate. He refused to read the book, saying that he... 79.48 0.9926 0.0602 286 3 74.30 2011-06-23
12. Aloof - distant, cold in personality, uninterested in someth... 78.60 0.9867 0.0530 261 3 77.37 2011-07-01
13. Adjure - to renounce a cause or belief. The struggling regim... 77.91 0.9771 0.0577 273 2 75.36 2011-07-01
14. Abstruse - difficult to understand. He was frustrated with t... 77.34 0.9908 0.0375 256 2 72.32 2011-06-23
15. Extenuating - decreasing the severity, usually of some wrong... 77.05 1.0107 0.0088 332 1 77.05 2011-06-22
16. Dogmatic - based strictly on principle, often in a stubborn ... 76.96 0.9901 0.0289 294 3 75.91 2011-07-01
17. Substantiate - to prove, to provide reason for. I won't cons... 76.24 1.0286 -0.0169 293 1 76.24 2011-06-23
18. Adumbrate - to foreshadow, to outline. The cease of diplomat... 75.98 0.9722 0.0374 261 1 75.98 2011-06-23
19. Propriety - the quality of being polite and having correct b... 75.34 0.9862 0.0102 342 1 75.34 2011-06-23
20. Discomfit - to defeat, to baffle, to confuse. The behavior o... 75.01 0.9357 0.0566 255 1 75.01 2011-06-23
21. Abduct - to kidnap, forcibly and secretly take away. Althoug... 74.78 1.0045 -0.0155 359 1 74.78 2011-06-23
22. Arid - extremely dry. It required much preparation to succes... 73.84 0.9810 -0.0011 177 2 71.23 2011-07-01
23. Wane - to decrease. His interest in computer games has been ... 72.03 1.0580 -0.1020 250 2 71.73 2011-07-01
24. Invective - a harsh, often personal verbal attack. While he ... 71.70 1.0156 -0.0699 343 1 71.70 2011-06-23
25. Abject - terrible, wretched. In just a few short decades, th... 70.49 0.9830 -0.0468 301 2 70.38 2011-06-23
26. Abscond - to sneak away, to escape. The former employee absc... 69.86 0.9790 -0.0520 315 1 69.86 2011-06-23
27. Vindicate - to redeem, to free from blame, to avenge. After ... 68.60 0.9884 -0.0813 420 1 68.60 2011-06-23
28. Yoke - to link, to join. After yoking the animals together, ... 68.46 0.9929 -0.0899 177 1 68.46 2011-07-01
29. Exigent - urgent, requiring immediate attention. The inciden... 67.68 1.0080 -0.1093 240 1 67.68 2011-06-23
30. Admonish - to warn, to caution. He was admonished to not ski... 67.42 0.9786 -0.0859 168 1 67.42 2011-07-01
31. Hedonist - one valuing pleasure above all else. Aristotle al... 62.91 0.9925 -0.1545 294 1 62.91 2011-06-23
32. Trenchant - forceful, keen. The report presents a trenchant ... 59.37 0.9895 -0.2032 268 1 59.37 2011-06-23