Text analysis for Hanna (laleylu)

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Rank Text Best WPM Overall Difficulty Relative Speed Text Length Races Average WPM Last race
1. Anathema - something that is hated. It seemed that work was ... 104.02 1.0772 0.0978 285 3 91.22 2016-05-22
2. Hapless - unlucky, unfortunate. The hapless boy lost his gir... 99.66 1.0433 0.0819 311 1 99.66 2016-05-20
3. Insolent - rude, contemptuous. Nobody doubts that he is very... 97.04 1.0318 0.0707 281 2 92.14 2016-05-22
4. Intractable - difficult to deal with. He had experienced int... 95.87 1.0302 0.0563 272 2 93.65 2016-05-20
5. Abrogate - to give up, abolish. Those people who abrogate th... 95.18 1.0369 0.0520 359 1 95.18 2016-05-20
6. Fastidious - having excessively high standards, demanding. H... 94.98 1.0166 0.0580 369 2 93.95 2016-05-22
7. Yoke - to link, to join. After yoking the animals together, ... 94.66 0.9929 0.0753 177 1 94.66 2016-05-20
8. Admonish - to warn, to caution. He was admonished to not ski... 94.33 0.9786 0.0893 168 2 88.18 2016-05-20
9. Vestiges - remains, small part of something older. There wer... 94.06 1.0690 -0.0007 311 2 89.98 2016-05-22
10. Umbrage - offense, resemblance. He seemed to take great umbr... 93.98 1.0015 0.0679 265 1 93.98 2016-05-20
11. Hedonist - one valuing pleasure above all else. Aristotle al... 93.52 0.9925 0.0711 294 4 89.01 2016-05-22
12. Buffet - to blow, to strike. The waves began to buffet the s... 92.66 0.9857 0.0623 268 2 90.44 2016-05-22
13. Invective - a harsh, often personal verbal attack. While he ... 91.69 1.0156 0.0191 343 1 91.69 2016-05-22
14. Accentuate - to focus on, emphasize. He had an uncanny tende... 91.54 0.9781 0.0529 185 2 84.82 2016-05-22
15. Manifold - diverse, numerous. I support this decision for ma... 91.51 1.0011 0.0370 286 1 91.51 2016-05-22
16. Gamut - an entire range. The letter raised a whole gamut of ... 90.79 1.0152 0.0151 258 2 87.30 2016-05-20
17. Reverence - respect, devotion. Despite his deep reverence fo... 90.76 0.9844 0.0412 336 1 90.76 2016-05-20
18. Intimation - a hint, a suggestion. The boss's intimation tha... 90.33 1.0484 -0.0345 231 1 90.33 2016-05-20
19. Supplant - to replace, to supersede. That model was supplant... 89.54 1.0152 0.0005 344 1 89.54 2016-05-22
20. Aloof - distant, cold in personality, uninterested in someth... 89.52 0.9867 0.0267 261 1 89.52 2016-05-20
21. Superficial - on the surface, shallow, dull. Although years ... 89.40 1.0175 -0.0008 471 3 86.00 2016-05-22
22. Demagogue - a leader who gains power from exciting the emoti... 88.95 1.0499 -0.0378 259 1 88.95 2016-05-22
23. Plenitude - plenty, a great amount. For the purpose of appea... 87.24 0.9802 0.0170 377 1 87.24 2016-05-20
24. Abscond - to sneak away, to escape. The former employee absc... 86.57 0.9790 0.0036 315 1 86.57 2016-05-22
25. Ingenuous - sincere, candid, innocent. At first I thought he... 85.92 0.9993 -0.0294 340 2 85.12 2016-05-22
26. Substantiate - to prove, to provide reason for. I won't cons... 85.89 1.0286 -0.0531 293 2 83.96 2016-05-20
27. Banal - dull, uninteresting, unoriginal. Why is that every h... 84.40 0.9788 -0.0132 270 3 82.12 2016-05-22
28. Abduct - to kidnap, forcibly and secretly take away. Althoug... 84.18 1.0045 -0.0517 359 2 83.93 2016-05-20
29. Impetuous - rash, done on a whim. The decision to pull the p... 83.86 0.9922 -0.0411 231 1 83.86 2016-05-22
30. Adjure - to renounce a cause or belief. The struggling regim... 83.46 0.9771 -0.0279 273 1 83.46 2016-05-22
31. Vindicate - to redeem, to free from blame, to avenge. After ... 83.37 0.9884 -0.0452 420 2 79.37 2016-05-22
32. Abject - terrible, wretched. In just a few short decades, th... 81.70 0.9830 -0.0544 301 1 81.70 2016-05-22
33. Trenchant - forceful, keen. The report presents a trenchant ... 80.89 0.9895 -0.0734 268 1 80.89 2016-05-22
34. Adumbrate - to foreshadow, to outline. The cease of diplomat... 79.61 0.9722 -0.0662 261 1 79.61 2016-05-20
35. Discomfit - to defeat, to baffle, to confuse. The behavior o... 79.07 0.9357 -0.0403 255 1 79.07 2016-05-20
36. Extenuating - decreasing the severity, usually of some wrong... 78.39 1.0107 -0.1226 332 1 78.39 2016-05-20
37. Propriety - the quality of being polite and having correct b... 76.66 0.9862 -0.1181 342 1 76.66 2016-05-22
38. Arid - extremely dry. It required much preparation to succes... 74.64 0.9810 -0.1325 177 1 74.64 2016-05-22