Vanel (vanelhere)

Race #4

View Pit Stop page for race #4 by vanelhereGhost race

View profile for Vanel (vanelhere)

Official speed 52.40 wpm (78.09 seconds elapsed during race)
Race Start January 25, 2021 7:20:14am UTC
Race Finish January 25, 2021 7:21:32am UTC
Outcome No win (2 of 3)
Accuracy 94.0%
Points 46.29
Text #381 (Length: 341 characters)

All Ninja are men of peace, and must always remain so or lose many of the special powers they have developed. Beyond this, the Ninja are also adept at fieldcraft, infiltrating, and espionage. Because of their scouting skills and peripheral kinesthetic sensitivity, Ninja customarily surprise their opponents slightly more than half the time.