KUNAL (kunal_singh)

Race #6

View Pit Stop page for race #6 by kunal_singhGhost race

View profile for KUNAL (kunal_singh)

Official speed 22.56 wpm (76.06 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 22.65 wpm (316 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 22.70 wpm (160 ms elapsed before first character typed; 75.59 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 22.54 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start January 31, 2021 4:16:47pm UTC
Race Finish January 31, 2021 4:18:03pm UTC
Outcome No win (3 of 3)
Accuracy 91.8%
Points 9.40
Text #12 (Length: 143 characters)

What good's a reward if you ain't around to use it? Besides, attacking that battle station ain't my idea of courage. It's more like... suicide.

Characters typed What f=soogdgood ' s a rewaedrd if upyoua ain't around to use it? Besides, attaxkcking that battle sratation aoin't my idea aoof courage. itIt's more lieke.... siuicide.
Character W h a t f = -= -f s o o -o -o g -g -s d -d g o o d -
Milliseconds 160 983 95 431 146 499 751 702 178 467 211 158 490 181 553 620 171 408 449 603 262 172 181 364 566
Character ' - s a r e w a e d -d -e r d i f u p -p -u
Milliseconds 844 403 665 131 211 375 138 1552 129 412 233 545 328 540 166 224 408 167 1185 182 104 985 255 545 165
Character y o u a -a a i n ' t a r o u n d t o u s e
Milliseconds 881 233 252 696 951 493 251 334 283 717 476 223 187 394 365 318 262 153 147 297 142 212 371 103 235
Character i t ? B e s i d e s , a t t a x k -k -x c k i
Milliseconds 116 469 213 871 445 1175 1120 217 257 284 267 387 660 231 560 716 162 285 449 185 553 144 154 510 215
Character n g t h a t b a t t l e s r a -a -r t a t i o
Milliseconds 233 182 140 314 167 123 241 75 365 116 368 216 241 140 237 582 480 164 570 178 531 163 645 282 188
Character n a o -o i n ' t m y i d e a a o -o -a o f
Milliseconds 294 247 342 297 570 765 231 1397 172 432 312 809 134 349 173 388 210 71 166 446 370 181 609 253 60
Character c o u r a g e . i t -t -i I t ' s m o r e l i
Milliseconds 792 195 301 404 172 492 234 737 311 550 378 362 173 1478 601 932 388 374 559 350 183 193 90 313 323
Character e -e k e . . . . -. s i -i u i c i d e .
Milliseconds 452 484 471 111 771 172 188 336 1149 331 546 303 545 517 323 162 381 333 250 505
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
1.52 23.66
3.04 19.72
4.56 13.15
6.09 9.86
7.61 7.89
9.13 11.83
10.65 11.27
12.17 11.83
13.69 12.27
15.21 14.2
16.73 13.62
18.26 13.8
19.78 14.56
21.3 13.52
22.82 14.2
24.34 13.8
25.86 14.85
27.38 15.78
28.9 17.85
30.43 19.33
31.95 19.53
33.47 19
34.99 19.55
36.51 20.05
38.03 20.19
39.55 19.72
41.07 20.74
42.6 21.97
44.12 22.85
45.64 22.09
47.16 22.39
48.68 22.68
50.2 22.47
51.72 22.27
53.24 22.31
54.77 23.01
56.29 22.6
57.81 22.83
59.33 23.26
60.85 23.07
62.37 22.51
63.89 22.35
65.41 22.38
66.94 22.77
68.46 22.61
69.98 22.81
71.5 22.49
73.02 22.35
74.54 22.38
76.06 22.56