View Pit Stop page for race #1596 by jewishguy_ — Ghost race
View profile for REMOVE GHOST SCORES FROM LB (jewishguy_)
Official speed | 181.87 wpm (17.09 seconds elapsed during race) |
Race Start | July 3, 2022 3:06:51am UTC |
Race Finish | July 3, 2022 3:07:08am UTC |
Outcome | Win (1 of 3) |
Opponents |
2. dapudding (117.58 wpm) |
Accuracy | 100.0% |
Points | 154.59 |
Text | #47 (Length: 259 characters) But suddenly, I viddied that thinking was for the gloopy ones, and that the oomny ones use like, inspiration and what Bog sends. Now it was lovely music that came into my aid. There was a window open with the stereo on, and I viddied right at once what to do. |