Race #27053

View Pit Stop page for race #27053 by iamslow103Ghost race

View profile for ILOVEPALESTINE (iamslow103)

Official speed 183.46 wpm (28.65 seconds elapsed during race)
Race Start April 10, 2023 2:16:14am UTC
Race Finish April 10, 2023 2:16:43am UTC
Outcome No win (1 of 1)
Accuracy 100.0%
Points 275.19
Text #3621145 (Length: 438 characters)

For the first time in a long time I thought about Maman. I felt as if I understood why at the end of her life she had taken a "fiance," why she had played at beginning again. Even there, in that home where lives were fading out, evening was a kind of wistful respite. So close to death, Maman must have felt free then and ready to live it all again. Nobody, nobody had the right to cry over her. And I felt ready to live it all again too.