View Pit Stop page for race #69 by eslamalien — Ghost race
View profile for Eslam (eslamalien)
Official speed | 54.49 wpm (85.45 seconds elapsed during race) |
Race Start | August 16, 2022 2:15:58pm UTC |
Race Finish | August 16, 2022 2:17:23pm UTC |
Outcome | No win (3 of 3) |
Accuracy | 94.0% |
Points | 62.66 |
Text | #131 (Length: 388 characters) Common knowledge has bicyclists always riding into the wind, regardless of direction, a perception that is not as wrong as it may seem. On level ground, one rides as fast as is comfortable and because the bicycle is highly efficient, speed is limited by wind resistance. With a tailwind, speeding up until the wind is in one's face is fairly easy, and at that point it becomes a headwind. |