View Pit Stop page for race #66 by eslamalien — Ghost race
View profile for Eslam (eslamalien)
Official speed | 57.84 wpm (93.78 seconds elapsed during race) |
Race Start | August 13, 2022 5:22:08am UTC |
Race Finish | August 13, 2022 5:23:42am UTC |
Outcome | Win (1 of 3) |
Accuracy | 94.0% |
Points | 85.80 |
Text | #373 (Length: 452 characters) He was rough around the edges. He'd been to school, but never finished. He'd been to jail, but never prison. And it was his first day off in forever, man. The festival seemed like a pretty good plan: cruise some chicks and get a suntan. And his friend gave him four, but said only take one. But then he got bored and he ended up taking all four, so now my man ain't that bored anyways. The paramedics found him, he was shaking on the side of the stage. |