Joe (eoj05)

Race #243

View Pit Stop page for race #243 by eoj05Ghost race

View profile for Joe (eoj05)

Official speed 86.36 wpm (27.37 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 86.62 wpm (82 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 88.86 wpm (689 ms elapsed before first character typed; 26.60 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 88.41 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start February 4, 2021 12:19:13am UTC
Race Finish February 4, 2021 12:19:40am UTC
Outcome No win (2 of 3)
Accuracy 96.7%
Points 54.69
Text #31 (Length: 197 characters)

I don't believe in painted roses or bleeding hearts while bullets rape the night of the merciful. I'll see you again when the stars fall from the sky and the moon has turned red over One Tree Hill.

Characters typed I don't believ ein paee in painted roses or beleeding hearts while beullets rape th enighte night of the merciful. I'll see you again when the stars fall from the sky and the moon has turned red over One TReeree iGiHill.
Character I d o n ' t b e l i e v e i n p a -a -p - -n
Milliseconds 689 79 101 66 147 138 55 101 99 97 73 56 53 81 402 33 12 13 39 53 99 251 158 126 129
Character -i -e e -e - e i n p a i n t e d r o s e s o
Milliseconds 144 159 351 203 127 117 12 134 45 109 149 91 151 53 116 50 147 86 161 117 129 102 96 143 121
Character r b e -e l e e d i n g h e a r t s w h i l e
Milliseconds 101 103 234 146 479 140 117 112 119 61 74 45 87 103 57 62 157 62 140 59 105 73 136 15 117
Character b e -e u l l e t s r a p e t h e n i g h t
Milliseconds 21 144 174 281 191 181 94 45 95 119 100 113 85 73 117 84 97 33 205 14 34 34 96 96 62
Character -t -h -g -i -n -e - e n i g h t o f t h e m e r
Milliseconds 193 156 124 134 132 168 138 123 76 99 33 152 74 78 81 110 74 42 110 14 53 64 194 102 78
Character c i f u l . I ' l l s e e y o u a g a i n
Milliseconds 214 107 209 110 108 154 166 64 158 147 110 116 69 123 85 52 178 22 45 87 93 153 55 34 51
Character w h e n t h e s t a r s f a l l f r o m
Milliseconds 144 47 85 78 67 53 43 102 22 56 103 111 152 22 68 126 161 85 111 118 87 70 85 56 96
Character t h e s k y a n d t h e m o o n h a s
Milliseconds 16 85 68 27 53 111 72 186 99 36 107 45 56 107 101 35 36 155 151 136 148 68 129 59 57
Character t u r n e d r e d o v e r O n e T R e e
Milliseconds 41 121 81 82 85 73 166 190 123 84 147 81 92 72 108 95 20 155 187 88 82 115 39 170 100
Character -e -e -R r e e i -i G i -i -G H i l l .
Milliseconds 293 131 140 112 167 124 76 279 361 269 162 354 115 224 134 161 107 128
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.55 0
1.09 54.8
1.64 73.06
2.19 76.72
2.74 61.37
3.28 51.14
3.83 43.84
4.38 43.84
4.93 51.14
5.47 59.18
6.02 63.76
6.57 65.76
7.12 62.38
7.66 61.06
8.21 67.22
8.76 71.24
9.31 74.78
9.85 71.84
10.4 73.83
10.95 75.62
11.5 76.19
12.04 72.73
12.59 69.57
13.14 70.32
13.69 71.89
14.23 75.03
14.78 75.5
15.33 75.93
15.88 76.34
16.42 78.18
16.97 79.9
17.52 82.88
18.07 85.02
18.61 86.39
19.16 87.68
19.71 90.11
20.26 91.23
20.8 92.29
21.35 92.73
21.9 94.25
22.45 94.09
22.99 94.46
23.54 95.32
24.09 93.65
24.64 92.06
25.18 91.49
25.73 89.54
26.28 87.68
26.83 86.33
27.37 86.36