Discord Bot: tinyurl.com/TypeRacerStats (e3e2)

Race #2213

View Pit Stop page for race #2213 by e3e2Ghost race

View profile for Discord Bot: tinyurl.com/TypeRacerStats (e3e2)

Official speed 150.11 wpm (29.66 seconds elapsed during race)
Race Start September 15, 2021 9:26:59am UTC
Race Finish September 15, 2021 9:27:29am UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 2)
Accuracy 99.0%
Points 172.63
Text #4350151 (Length: 371 characters)

It became difficult to follow the path, and they were very tired. Their legs seemed leaden. Strange furtive noises ran among the bushes and reeds on either side of them; and if they looked up to the pale sky, they caught sight of queer gnarled and knobbly faces that gloomed dark against the twilight, and leered down at them from the high bank and the edges of the wood.