José (dqcheetqh)

Race #5

View Pit Stop page for race #5 by dqcheetqhGhost race

View profile for José (dqcheetqh)

Official speed 58.37 wpm (51.81 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 58.70 wpm (289 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 59.49 wpm (685 ms elapsed before first character typed; 50.83 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 59.25 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start February 2, 2021 9:26:37am UTC
Race Finish February 2, 2021 9:27:29am UTC
Outcome No win (3 of 3)
Accuracy 95.5%
Points 46.69
Text #401 (Length: 252 characters)

He managed to open the cupboard door with his nose and found the 25-pound bag of low-fart dog biscuits the vet had prescribed for him, which had made him fart more. Even though he knew they made him fart more, he couldn't resist. He ate the entire bag.

Characters typed He manafeged to open the cupboard door with his nose and foouund the 25-pound baf g od f low-fart dog biscuits the veyt had prescrivbed for him, whihcch had made him fart more. Even though he knwew they made him fart more, he couldn't resitst,. He ate hithe entiere bag.
Character H e m a n a f e -e -f g e d t o o p e n t h
Milliseconds 685 94 116 115 113 115 593 335 196 159 148 101 168 135 75 139 44 72 169 214 159 65 169 300 73
Character e c u p b o a r d d o o r w i t h h i s
Milliseconds 106 85 193 166 193 390 174 169 164 146 100 189 57 161 79 126 223 106 174 53 91 146 143 84 80
Character n o s e a n d f o o u -u -o u n d t h e 2 5
Milliseconds 125 180 159 164 86 100 74 110 70 269 344 128 169 330 119 179 145 75 119 150 58 127 69 818 238
Character - p o u n d b a f - -f g o d - -d f l o w
Milliseconds 823 692 193 1072 196 473 100 178 146 193 95 205 140 73 125 102 127 130 164 144 170 121 179 165 119
Character - f a r t d o g b i s c u i t s t h e v e
Milliseconds 374 284 188 210 190 149 310 107 152 79 189 159 81 200 143 190 90 212 176 184 54 120 65 179 216
Character y -y t h a d p r e s c r i v -v b e d f o r
Milliseconds 89 339 208 176 234 84 175 104 484 58 176 211 208 184 150 219 324 188 50 191 103 230 79 116 42
Character h i m , w h i h c -c -h c h h a d m a d e h
Milliseconds 127 160 188 449 84 274 35 145 154 189 254 125 189 29 150 245 110 159 61 69 175 184 194 104 230
Character i m f a r t m o r e . E v e n t h o u g h
Milliseconds 234 185 94 139 182 164 153 88 82 178 96 239 254 139 379 100 111 99 199 109 75 178 150 85 52
Character h e k n w -w e w t h e y m a d e h i m
Milliseconds 144 303 114 120 294 165 104 270 124 205 129 359 64 106 52 111 184 201 174 183 176 322 170 204 81
Character f a r t m o r e , h e c o u l d n ' t r e
Milliseconds 154 218 155 139 76 95 169 70 174 99 81 308 119 105 179 86 138 1117 90 100 123 206 115 183 205
Character s i t -t s t , -, . H e a t e h i -i -h t h e
Milliseconds 204 259 184 433 306 258 254 253 212 63 542 112 163 159 186 164 98 152 193 194 146 128 116 103 111
Character e n t i e -e r e b a g .
Milliseconds 363 131 129 110 92 351 110 149 95 254 190 213 225
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
1.04 46.33
2.07 40.53
3.11 38.6
4.14 52.12
5.18 57.91
6.22 57.91
7.25 61.22
8.29 68.04
9.33 70.77
10.36 66.01
11.4 66.33
12.43 63.7
13.47 60.58
14.51 57.91
15.54 55.59
16.58 55.01
17.61 53.82
18.65 53.4
19.69 53.03
20.72 53.85
21.76 55.15
22.8 56.85
23.83 55.89
24.87 55.49
25.9 56.52
26.94 56.13
27.98 57.05
29.01 57.08
30.05 56.31
31.08 57.13
32.12 57.53
33.16 58.63
34.19 58.61
35.23 59.61
36.27 59.89
37.3 59.52
38.34 60.1
39.37 60.04
40.41 60.58
41.45 61.09
42.48 61.01
43.52 60.66
44.55 60.6
45.59 59.75
46.63 59.19
47.66 58.91
48.7 58.4
49.74 58.87
50.77 58.62
51.81 58.37