DeeDee (deedee09)

Race #99

View Pit Stop page for race #99 by deedee09Ghost race

View profile for DeeDee (deedee09)

Official speed 65.36 wpm (30.84 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 65.85 wpm (230 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 66.71 wpm (393 ms elapsed before first character typed; 30.22 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 66.31 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start November 17, 2023 5:55:31pm UTC
Race Finish November 17, 2023 5:56:02pm UTC
Outcome No win (2 of 3)
Accuracy 99.4%
Points 39.22
Text #4950002 (Length: 168 characters)

Hey Jude, don't be afraid. You were made to go out and get her. The minute you let her under your skin then you begin to make it better. And any time you feel the pain.

Characters typed Hey Jude, don't be afraid. You weremad made to go out and get her. The minute you let her under your skin then you begin to make it better. And any time you feel the pain.
Character H e y J u d e , d o n ' t b e a f r a i d
Milliseconds 393 252 169 168 246 215 155 206 89 166 91 165 163 205 109 185 99 244 238 224 227 226 141 185 149
Character . Y o u w e r e m a d -d -a -m m a d e t o
Milliseconds 124 155 226 190 177 206 126 203 174 89 216 154 156 333 190 233 258 487 201 549 208 150 109 102 176
Character g o o u t a n d g e t h e r . T h e m
Milliseconds 83 170 138 292 173 229 147 148 35 183 38 487 248 184 141 112 129 99 131 145 116 154 78 118 152
Character i n u t e y o u l e t h e r u n d e r y
Milliseconds 203 215 212 124 148 136 155 193 166 163 174 119 201 210 141 193 127 147 241 185 89 237 150 165 222
Character o u r s k i n t h e n y o u b e g i n t
Milliseconds 181 154 168 85 287 213 304 206 176 178 96 168 48 188 193 208 146 173 120 209 202 171 190 168 108
Character o m a k e i t b e t t e r . A n d a n y
Milliseconds 106 173 342 191 134 168 110 188 97 167 117 212 261 189 319 156 135 90 125 181 79 133 114 98 240
Character t i m e y o u f e e l t h e p a i n .
Milliseconds 135 168 90 189 111 114 216 209 151 199 82 188 186 109 191 68 130 73 100 543 203 137 197 213
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.62 19.45
1.23 48.63
1.85 51.87
2.47 58.36
3.08 66.14
3.7 61.6
4.32 61.14
4.94 63.22
5.55 62.68
6.17 64.19
6.79 61.89
7.4 56.74
8.02 53.87
8.64 52.8
9.25 50.58
9.87 52.28
10.49 53.78
11.1 54.03
11.72 56.31
12.34 55.44
12.95 57.43
13.57 59.24
14.19 59.2
14.81 59.98
15.42 60.69
16.04 60.6
16.66 61.24
17.27 61.14
17.89 61.71
18.51 62.25
19.12 62.12
19.74 61.4
20.36 61.89
20.97 62.36
21.59 62.8
22.21 62.68
22.83 63.61
23.44 63.48
24.06 63.84
24.68 63.71
25.29 63.58
25.91 63.91
26.53 64.69
27.14 64.99
27.76 65.27
28.38 65.55
28.99 65.81
29.61 66.06
30.23 65.9
30.84 65.36