DeeDee (deedee09)

Race #96

View Pit Stop page for race #96 by deedee09Ghost race

View profile for DeeDee (deedee09)

Official speed 62.00 wpm (32.90 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 62.58 wpm (304 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 63.28 wpm (360 ms elapsed before first character typed; 32.24 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 62.91 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start November 17, 2023 5:52:27pm UTC
Race Finish November 17, 2023 5:53:00pm UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 3)
Accuracy 98.3%
Points 36.17
Text #4950009 (Length: 170 characters)

Here we come, here we go, we gotta rock. Easy come, easy go. Now we on top, feel the shot. Body rock, rock it, don't stop, round and round, up and down, around the clock.

Characters typed Here we come, here we go, we gotta rock. Easy come, easy go. Now ewe on top, feel the shot. Body rock, rock it, don't stop, round and ronudnnd, up and down, around the clock.
Character H e r e w e c o m e , h e r e w e g o ,
Milliseconds 360 261 207 169 201 96 185 169 78 161 181 155 88 183 198 157 266 242 198 129 209 243 184 163 283
Character w e g o t t a r o c k . E a s y c o m e
Milliseconds 204 84 194 210 104 195 121 186 202 211 124 167 72 181 230 154 213 181 108 168 123 191 137 157 144
Character , e a s y g o . N o w e -e w e o n t o
Milliseconds 147 209 138 199 123 138 156 148 185 220 144 263 184 156 178 202 543 214 211 198 147 189 147 99 103
Character p , f e e l t h e s h o t . B o d y r o
Milliseconds 221 298 179 297 234 160 147 166 59 143 76 104 120 76 216 191 212 170 228 240 158 133 170 115 86
Character c k , r o c k i t , d o n ' t s t o p ,
Milliseconds 178 157 209 201 284 243 213 218 176 216 187 125 199 99 157 170 201 147 145 77 227 312 269 275 263
Character r o u n d a n d r o n -n u d n -n -d n d , u p
Milliseconds 470 175 187 207 156 77 159 38 144 29 224 129 542 509 181 208 35 479 200 218 205 135 249 243 320
Character a n d d o w n , a r o u n d t h e c l o
Milliseconds 219 118 126 73 69 133 142 165 131 499 248 238 234 87 193 224 159 64 112 48 155 30 177 77 228
Character c k .
Milliseconds 160 115 241
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.66 36.47
1.32 54.71
1.97 60.78
2.63 63.82
3.29 62
3.95 63.82
4.61 62.52
5.26 63.82
5.92 64.84
6.58 63.82
7.24 64.65
7.9 65.34
8.55 67.33
9.21 67.73
9.87 68.08
10.53 68.38
11.19 67.58
11.85 65.85
12.5 63.34
13.16 63.82
13.82 64.26
14.48 63.82
15.14 63.43
15.79 66.1
16.45 65.65
17.11 65.23
17.77 66.19
18.43 66.43
19.08 65.4
19.74 65.04
20.4 65.88
21.06 66.1
21.72 65.76
22.37 65.43
23.03 64.08
23.69 64.33
24.35 65.55
25.01 64.78
25.66 63.12
26.32 62
26.98 60.49
27.64 60.78
28.3 60.22
28.95 61.34
29.61 61.19
30.27 60.65
30.93 60.91
31.59 61.92
32.25 62.52
32.9 62