DeeDee (deedee09)

Race #90

View Pit Stop page for race #90 by deedee09Ghost race

View profile for DeeDee (deedee09)

Official speed 64.67 wpm (31.17 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 65.29 wpm (297 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 65.60 wpm (143 ms elapsed before first character typed; 30.73 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 65.20 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start November 16, 2023 6:02:05pm UTC
Race Finish November 16, 2023 6:02:37pm UTC
Outcome No win (2 of 3)
Accuracy 98.3%
Points 38.80
Text #4950002 (Length: 168 characters)

Hey Jude, don't be afraid. You were made to go out and get her. The minute you let her under your skin then you begin to make it better. And any time you feel the pain.

Characters typed Hey Jude, don't be afraid. You were made to go out and get her T. The minute you let her under yuour skin then you begin to make it gbbetter. And any time you feel the pain.
Character H e y J u d e , d o n ' t b e a f r a i d
Milliseconds 143 247 87 266 450 234 150 227 102 167 86 154 179 195 146 160 143 179 184 62 139 395 158 179 151
Character . Y o u w e r e m a d e t o g o o u t
Milliseconds 107 155 264 168 175 129 157 156 209 109 141 167 132 192 223 98 107 153 124 179 208 206 338 148 176
Character a n d g e t h e r T -T - . T h e m i n
Milliseconds 47 189 46 167 33 193 156 200 80 187 69 162 220 178 440 179 260 140 155 172 77 100 155 246 177
Character u t e y o u l e t h e r u n d e r y u -u
Milliseconds 231 172 192 146 197 204 147 183 143 113 179 178 113 145 89 237 240 203 39 257 159 114 165 407 434
Character o u r s k i n t h e n y o u b e g i n t
Milliseconds 134 189 115 159 113 125 234 181 138 66 112 118 105 181 160 221 154 155 128 225 213 209 191 149 115
Character o m a k e i t g b -b -g b e t t e r . A n d
Milliseconds 100 143 166 124 180 150 156 177 153 142 164 28 481 219 313 239 228 171 193 166 0 160 99 183 104
Character a n y t i m e y o u f e e l t h e p a
Milliseconds 314 192 94 256 123 141 120 176 141 50 198 221 476 194 130 199 191 75 205 88 146 73 86 538 208
Character i n .
Milliseconds 187 201 206
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.62 57.74
1.25 48.12
1.87 51.33
2.49 62.55
3.12 61.59
3.74 67.36
4.36 63.24
4.99 64.96
5.61 66.3
6.23 67.36
6.86 68.24
7.48 68.97
8.11 68.1
8.73 67.36
9.35 70.57
9.98 70.97
10.6 70.19
11.22 66.3
11.85 64.83
12.47 66.4
13.09 65.99
13.72 65.61
14.34 66.11
14.96 66.56
15.59 66.98
16.21 66.62
16.83 67.01
17.46 64.61
18.08 64.38
18.7 64.8
19.33 66.43
19.95 66.16
20.57 66.49
21.2 66.23
21.82 67.09
22.45 67.36
23.07 67.1
23.69 65.34
24.32 64.16
24.94 64.48
25.56 65.25
26.19 65.07
26.81 65.35
27.43 65.61
28.06 65.01
28.68 65.27
29.3 65.52
29.93 65.36
30.55 65.2
31.17 64.67