DeeDee (deedee09)

Race #85

View Pit Stop page for race #85 by deedee09Ghost race

View profile for DeeDee (deedee09)

Official speed 67.24 wpm (41.94 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 67.44 wpm (124 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 68.05 wpm (374 ms elapsed before first character typed; 41.44 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 67.76 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start November 16, 2023 5:57:13pm UTC
Race Finish November 16, 2023 5:57:55pm UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 3)
Accuracy 99.2%
Points 50.43
Text #4950017 (Length: 235 characters)

Don't worry baby, it'll be alright. You got the right shoes to get you through the night. It's cold outside, but brightly lit. Skip the subway, let's go to the overground. Get your head out of the mud baby. Put flowers in the mud baby.

Characters typed Don't worry baby, it'll be alright. You got the right shoes to get you through the night. I's t's cold outside, but brightly lit. Skpip the subway, let's go to the overground. Get your head out of the mud baby. Put flowers in the mud baby.
Character D o n ' t w o r r y b a b y , i t ' l l b
Milliseconds 374 232 202 243 86 121 182 186 213 195 149 188 84 180 260 189 280 196 165 416 246 323 167 132 89
Character e a l r i g h t . Y o u g o t t h e r i
Milliseconds 207 178 291 211 278 143 174 79 119 130 171 238 203 130 187 140 148 106 143 59 179 71 122 186 106
Character g h t s h o e s t o g e t y o u t h r o
Milliseconds 199 45 165 212 149 116 174 164 192 126 116 109 145 87 204 198 113 151 232 540 205 147 71 143 97
Character u g h t h e n i g h t . I ' s - -s -' t ' s
Milliseconds 192 231 208 176 89 122 135 130 177 202 158 80 135 152 148 172 272 114 159 320 180 202 274 212 124
Character c o l d o u t s i d e , b u t b r i g h t
Milliseconds 160 127 51 231 148 133 175 210 113 178 161 147 213 121 185 93 142 122 150 138 276 162 157 113 85
Character l y l i t . S k p -p i p t h e s u b w a y
Milliseconds 196 217 172 149 208 126 156 149 177 190 406 457 214 199 184 145 86 107 75 171 182 212 311 224 137
Character , l e t ' s g o t o t h e o v e r g r o
Milliseconds 221 184 154 130 165 248 185 129 111 144 142 143 153 148 39 201 41 126 383 253 126 145 245 206 159
Character u n d . G e t y o u r h e a d o u t o f
Milliseconds 196 192 179 100 184 292 267 271 129 196 183 165 162 89 165 68 148 208 33 245 202 162 169 159 68
Character t h e m u d b a b y . P u t f l o w e r
Milliseconds 136 100 83 92 150 94 302 143 127 138 135 226 128 248 162 285 251 154 129 243 183 234 140 187 202
Character s i n t h e m u d b a b y .
Milliseconds 163 162 167 177 174 204 185 54 114 138 232 172 125 127 177 215 77 265
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.84 42.92
1.68 57.23
2.52 61.99
3.36 57.23
4.19 57.23
5.03 57.23
5.87 57.23
6.71 59.01
7.55 60.4
8.39 62.95
9.23 65.03
10.07 66.76
10.9 68.23
11.74 68.47
12.58 66.76
13.42 67.96
14.26 68.17
15.1 69.15
15.94 68.52
16.78 65.09
17.61 64.04
18.45 65.03
19.29 65.31
20.13 65.57
20.97 65.81
21.81 66.58
22.65 66.76
23.49 65.91
24.32 64.13
25.16 65.33
26 64.61
26.84 64.83
27.68 65.03
28.52 66.06
29.36 65.81
30.2 65.57
31.04 65.73
31.87 65.51
32.71 65.3
33.55 65.81
34.39 66.3
35.23 67.1
36.07 67.21
36.91 67.31
37.75 67.08
38.58 66.87
39.42 66.97
40.26 67.06
41.1 67.44
41.94 67.24