DeeDee (deedee09)

Race #82

View Pit Stop page for race #82 by deedee09Ghost race

View profile for DeeDee (deedee09)

Official speed 63.99 wpm (33.76 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 64.59 wpm (314 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 65.48 wpm (453 ms elapsed before first character typed; 32.99 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 65.11 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start November 16, 2023 5:54:07pm UTC
Race Finish November 16, 2023 5:54:41pm UTC
Outcome No win (2 of 3)
Accuracy 98.9%
Points 38.39
Text #4950007 (Length: 180 characters)

If you should ever leave me though, life would still go on, believe me. The world could show nothing to me. So what good would living do me? God only knows what I'd be without you.

Characters typed If you should ever leave me though, life would still g o on, believe me. The world could show nothing to me. So what good would living do me? God only knows what I'd be without youm.
Character I f y o u s h o u l d e v e r l e a v e
Milliseconds 453 184 131 173 216 150 201 247 151 237 158 240 296 225 129 234 131 141 84 128 157 120 180 208 178
Character m e t h o u g h , l i f e w o u l d s t i
Milliseconds 38 182 146 352 130 177 200 180 102 206 187 125 221 142 125 224 67 155 190 190 175 187 77 208 41
Character l l g - o o n , b e l i e v e m e . T
Milliseconds 207 150 123 181 239 425 176 185 289 204 564 236 162 211 121 239 77 256 175 94 144 179 132 142 106
Character h e w o r l d c o u l d s h o w n o t h i
Milliseconds 261 786 261 92 175 43 196 81 153 86 106 185 199 136 145 61 159 164 114 111 127 215 139 127 193
Character n g t o m e . S o w h a t g o o d w o
Milliseconds 165 113 110 88 52 198 165 149 66 177 125 241 163 130 79 156 173 120 169 118 160 143 167 100 96
Character u l d l i v i n g d o m e ? G o d o n l
Milliseconds 174 226 141 87 120 238 130 168 181 98 171 60 84 186 145 175 311 188 427 276 165 128 154 181 151
Character y k n o w s w h a t I ' d b e w i t h o
Milliseconds 211 157 212 183 427 277 257 169 159 126 159 170 153 230 268 109 161 119 212 146 90 106 153 55 224
Character u t y o u m -m .
Milliseconds 172 228 253 169 236 414 419 617 501
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.68 35.55
1.35 53.32
2.03 53.32
2.7 53.32
3.38 53.32
4.05 59.25
4.73 60.94
5.4 62.21
6.08 63.2
6.75 63.99
7.43 64.64
8.1 66.66
8.78 67
9.45 68.56
10.13 63.99
10.8 63.32
11.48 60.64
12.15 61.22
12.83 61.74
13.5 62.21
14.18 62.64
14.85 60.6
15.53 61.05
16.2 62.21
16.88 63.28
17.55 64.26
18.23 64.52
18.9 66.02
19.58 66.81
20.25 66.95
20.93 67.66
21.6 68.32
22.28 68.41
22.95 68.49
23.63 69.58
24.3 69.12
24.98 68.22
25.65 68.29
26.33 68.37
27 67.54
27.68 67.2
28.35 67.29
29.03 66.97
29.7 67.46
30.38 67.94
31.05 67.62
31.73 67.32
32.41 66.29
33.08 64.93
33.76 63.99