DeeDee (deedee09)

Race #100

View Pit Stop page for race #100 by deedee09Ghost race

View profile for DeeDee (deedee09)

Official speed 71.97 wpm (20.18 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 72.57 wpm (168 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 74.05 wpm (398 ms elapsed before first character typed; 19.61 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 73.44 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start November 17, 2023 5:56:27pm UTC
Race Finish November 17, 2023 5:56:48pm UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 3)
Accuracy 100.0%
Points 28.79
Text #4950014 (Length: 121 characters)

I walk this empty street, on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams. When the city sleeps, and I'm the only one and I walk alone.

Characters typed I walk this empty street, on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams. When the city sleeps, and I'm the only one and I walk alone.
Character I w a l k t h i s e m p t y s t r e e t ,
Milliseconds 398 187 185 187 161 186 175 100 111 180 99 144 203 99 264 194 143 149 97 234 142 246 161 236 64
Character o n t h e B o u l e v a r d o f B r o k
Milliseconds 209 196 164 168 117 98 41 141 210 330 482 300 327 252 209 261 235 174 223 154 112 239 244 142 244
Character e n D r e a m s . W h e n t h e c i t y
Milliseconds 176 102 155 202 247 132 131 169 183 56 191 137 161 174 90 157 83 153 76 108 167 50 268 48 187
Character s l e e p s , a n d I ' m t h e o n l y
Milliseconds 172 94 190 173 147 163 172 177 74 130 85 91 213 249 238 170 93 102 78 98 187 172 176 171 163
Character o n e a n d I w a l k a l o n e .
Milliseconds 180 175 92 116 87 113 99 91 242 153 154 153 118 205 174 81 133 217 178 123 125
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.4 29.74
0.81 44.61
1.21 49.57
1.61 59.48
2.02 65.43
2.42 69.39
2.82 63.73
3.23 66.91
3.63 66.09
4.04 65.43
4.44 67.59
4.84 66.91
5.25 68.63
5.65 70.1
6.05 69.39
6.46 65.06
6.86 64.73
7.26 62.78
7.67 62.61
8.07 60.97
8.47 60.9
8.88 62.18
9.28 62.07
9.68 61.96
10.09 63.05
10.49 61.77
10.89 62.78
11.3 63.73
11.7 64.61
12.11 65.43
12.51 67.15
12.91 66.91
13.32 67.59
13.72 68.23
14.12 67.98
14.53 68.57
14.93 69.93
15.33 68.87
15.74 68.63
16.14 70.63
16.54 70.36
16.95 70.1
17.35 69.85
17.75 70.97
18.16 71.38
18.56 71.76
18.96 71.5
19.37 72.49
19.77 72.22
20.18 71.97