Marco (capitanoano)

Race #31

View Pit Stop page for race #31 by capitanoanoGhost race

View profile for Marco (capitanoano)

Official speed 64.37 wpm (72.15 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 65.11 wpm (823 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 65.26 wpm (164 ms elapsed before first character typed; 71.16 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 65.09 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start February 16, 2021 2:28:14pm UTC
Race Finish February 16, 2021 2:29:26pm UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 3)
Accuracy 94.9%
Points 74.03
Text #83 (Length: 387 characters)

I'm telling it like it is. Get used to it or put this book down. Because this book is for America's Heroes. And who are the Heroes? The people who bought this book. People who borrow this book are not Heroes. They are no better than welfare queens mooching off the system like card-carrying library card-carriers. For the record, we're not offering this book to libraries. No free rides.

Characters typed I?m'm telling it like it is. Get used to it poro or put this book don.wn. Beczuzasue use this boo, iki is for Amerciica's Heroes. And who are the Heroes? AThe THehe people who bnouought this book: . People who cborroew this book are not Hearoes. Thyeey are no better than welfare queens mooching ofr f the system like card-carryiungng libarayry card-carriesrs. For the recordm , we're not offering this book to libraries. No dfree rides.
Character I ? m -m -? ' m t e l l i n g i t l i k e i
Milliseconds 164 185 231 305 146 224 158 153 146 132 113 136 133 80 81 87 243 100 82 175 101 153 84 36 123
Character t i s . G e t u s e d t o i t p o -o -p
Milliseconds 104 56 399 87 187 197 105 151 128 193 130 111 136 136 81 132 64 116 92 146 104 180 26 329 132
Character r o - -o -r o r p u t t h i s b o o k d o
Milliseconds 97 111 117 239 152 144 177 222 122 146 93 88 113 172 93 0 174 113 209 96 141 113 105 185 40
Character n . -. -n w n . B e c z u z -z -u -z a s u e - -e -u
Milliseconds 119 224 271 116 243 178 215 225 226 159 192 88 158 73 243 148 159 170 160 184 89 151 152 150 164
Character -s u s e t h i s b o o , i -i - -, k i - -i
Milliseconds 133 160 54 136 36 112 71 36 117 95 98 85 120 137 48 146 270 146 141 241 174 83 335 118 60
Character i s f o r A m e r c i -i -c i c a ' s H e r o
Milliseconds 159 89 72 159 100 67 105 457 167 82 83 201 100 230 118 185 34 86 104 143 200 202 333 295 139
Character e s . A n d w h o a r e t h e H e r o e
Milliseconds 65 159 112 184 79 280 64 127 97 145 65 288 111 113 63 89 128 119 125 323 304 169 95 95 82
Character s ? A T h e - -e -h -T -A T H e -e -H h e p e o p
Milliseconds 162 254 183 150 0 113 75 88 294 135 152 152 144 318 107 296 217 135 105 72 118 138 160 64 136
Character l e w h o b n o u -u -o -n o u g h t t h i s
Milliseconds 169 86 111 49 106 45 124 157 0 49 94 311 130 151 186 79 50 142 28 114 112 83 23 81 95
Character b o o k : - -: . P e o p l e w h o c -c b o
Milliseconds 115 84 119 130 249 222 252 470 169 264 121 143 65 109 112 179 151 439 95 65 105 89 334 383 122
Character r r o e -e w t h i s b o o k a r e n o t
Milliseconds 127 130 74 113 363 88 127 96 90 41 81 135 65 116 136 128 175 38 123 94 82 114 56 166 0
Character H e a -a r o e s . T h y e -e -y e y a r e n o
Milliseconds 576 196 386 564 36 138 305 134 87 243 176 161 166 38 284 118 66 105 116 56 83 93 83 78 50
Character b e t t e r t h a n w e l f a r e q u e e
Milliseconds 217 111 208 150 128 112 88 174 179 104 47 128 257 320 112 207 378 96 110 96 67 255 118 224 177
Character n s m o o c h i n g o f r - -r f t h e s
Milliseconds 398 90 130 319 104 119 351 114 71 115 76 105 140 77 128 135 255 136 83 85 115 84 41 98 96
Character y s t e m l i k e c a r d - c a r r y i u n g
Milliseconds 223 86 96 98 216 128 135 96 184 50 132 187 95 142 234 134 204 111 151 122 64 130 0 133 22
Character -g -n -u n g l i b a -a r a y -y r y c a r d - c a
Milliseconds 243 141 151 177 77 128 18 149 46 480 255 96 81 162 285 89 111 186 94 73 161 134 136 326 104
Character r r i e s -s r s . F o r t h e r e c o r d m
Milliseconds 218 131 132 31 155 312 86 130 109 182 204 432 65 134 67 127 30 122 40 113 152 101 74 120 297
Character - -m , w e ' r e n o t o f f e r i n g t
Milliseconds 144 350 137 168 110 83 670 89 122 80 111 392 70 63 130 120 231 144 121 79 153 85 103 99 74
Character h i s b o o k t o l i b r a r i e s . N o
Milliseconds 63 89 502 100 148 113 143 121 96 209 72 109 195 206 155 222 153 112 159 70 178 111 125 124 190
Character d -d f r e e r i d e s .
Milliseconds 209 82 449 59 201 98 127 161 128 104 63 145 239 216
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
1.44 24.95
2.89 58.22
4.33 69.3
5.77 72.77
7.21 69.86
8.66 63.76
10.1 68.91
11.54 65.49
12.99 62.84
14.43 57.38
15.87 61.24
17.31 56.83
18.76 57.58
20.2 57.03
21.64 57.11
23.09 59.78
24.53 60.66
25.97 60.99
27.42 58.22
28.86 57.8
30.3 58.61
31.74 60.86
33.19 58.94
34.63 59.6
36.07 58.88
37.52 59.82
38.96 61.91
40.4 60.29
41.84 60.51
43.29 60.99
44.73 61.97
46.17 61.59
47.62 61.74
49.06 62.37
50.5 62.49
51.94 63.3
53.39 63.84
54.83 63.91
56.27 63.12
57.72 63.41
59.16 63.49
60.6 63.96
62.05 63.44
63.49 63.51
64.93 63.94
66.37 64.36
67.82 64.59
69.26 65.15
70.7 65
72.15 64.37