Marco (capitanoano)

Race #20

View Pit Stop page for race #20 by capitanoanoGhost race

View profile for Marco (capitanoano)

Official speed 58.07 wpm (52.08 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 58.72 wpm (574 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 59.23 wpm (446 ms elapsed before first character typed; 51.06 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 59.00 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start February 16, 2021 2:12:40pm UTC
Race Finish February 16, 2021 2:13:32pm UTC
Outcome No win (3 of 3)
Accuracy 93.7%
Points 46.46
Text #401 (Length: 252 characters)

He managed to open the cupboard door with his nose and found the 25-pound bag of low-fart dog biscuits the vet had prescribed for him, which had made him fart more. Even though he knew they made him fart more, he couldn't resist. He ate the entire bag.

Characters typed He mnanaaanaged o to open th e cupboard dorr or with his nose and found the 26-5.--pound bag of low-afasrt dog biscuits the vet had prescribed for him, which had made him frart more. Eeven though he nkeknew they m adade hism fart more, he cou\.'ldn't reisssist. He ate the tentire bag.
Character H e m n a -a -n n a -a a -a -n a n a g e d o - -o
Milliseconds 446 209 139 174 10 108 329 122 209 76 436 206 80 200 96 136 64 143 145 182 95 210 113 377 153
Character t o o p e n t h - e c u p b o a r d d o
Milliseconds 462 120 143 657 127 305 111 96 136 24 258 256 70 105 111 56 138 287 96 96 129 103 144 312 119
Character r r - -r -r o r w i t h h i s n o s e a n
Milliseconds 113 127 128 281 168 136 216 97 128 182 107 70 105 111 105 39 88 97 70 82 474 134 46 142 0
Character d f o u n d t h e 2 6 - -- -6 5 . - -- -. - p o
Milliseconds 156 87 120 128 80 144 65 103 136 64 95 48 450 471 224 312 140 57 540 0 414 145 263 329 96
Character u n d b a g o f l o w - a -a f a s -s r t d
Milliseconds 582 180 56 96 169 117 303 129 168 88 104 321 143 65 166 266 313 81 86 111 474 54 161 110 265
Character o g b i s c u i t s t h e v e t h a d p
Milliseconds 81 104 258 382 11 501 176 41 63 118 161 137 222 33 82 72 122 112 135 301 256 79 97 112 204
Character r e s c r i b e d f o r h i m , w h i c h
Milliseconds 139 73 225 208 191 127 97 144 168 168 248 145 38 346 168 79 144 192 9 503 72 89 71 112 160
Character h a d m a d e h i m f r -r a r t m o r e .
Milliseconds 193 95 93 76 160 110 104 145 120 144 87 346 159 200 266 303 96 64 160 159 113 96 55 72 145
Character E e -e v e n t h o u g h h e n k e -e -k -n k
Milliseconds 230 402 390 314 96 80 120 119 72 87 80 986 120 88 167 112 72 128 80 71 113 264 141 147 184
Character n e w t h e y m a d -d -a - a d e h i s -s m
Milliseconds 47 57 113 104 127 71 81 95 118 99 0 91 112 271 167 153 31 120 151 119 145 88 160 423 184
Character f a r t m o r e , h e c o u \ . ' -' -. -\ l
Milliseconds 137 144 296 105 168 351 89 72 87 73 126 104 138 63 111 161 96 96 160 0 141 289 159 151 0
Character d n ' t r e i s s -s -s -i s i s t . H e a t e
Milliseconds 159 353 126 256 153 119 89 193 88 167 216 153 159 104 87 81 313 286 284 173 576 152 96 136 97
Character t h e t -t e n t i r e b a g .
Milliseconds 182 97 104 32 121 162 380 79 307 279 144 81 71 184 345 153 110 170
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
1.04 46.09
2.08 23.04
3.12 26.88
4.17 31.69
5.21 32.26
6.25 30.72
7.29 36.21
8.33 43.21
9.37 43.53
10.42 42.63
11.46 50.28
12.5 52.81
13.54 57.61
14.58 54.32
15.62 51.46
16.66 48.97
17.71 49.48
18.75 51.21
19.79 51.54
20.83 50.12
21.87 51.03
22.91 50.8
23.95 53.6
25 54.73
26.04 55.3
27.08 55.84
28.12 56.76
29.16 57.61
30.2 59.2
31.25 59.15
32.29 58.72
33.33 59.41
34.37 58.66
35.41 58.63
36.45 59.26
37.49 58.25
38.54 59.48
39.58 59.13
40.62 58.5
41.66 58.47
42.7 59.86
43.74 59.26
44.78 59.22
45.83 58.66
46.87 58.38
47.91 57.86
48.95 58.83
49.99 58.33
51.03 58.31
52.08 58.07