Marco (capitanoano)

Race #18

View Pit Stop page for race #18 by capitanoanoGhost race

View profile for Marco (capitanoano)

Official speed 73.55 wpm (41.11 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 74.06 wpm (282 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 81.56 wpm (3,758 ms elapsed before first character typed; 37.08 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 81.24 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start February 16, 2021 2:10:12pm UTC
Race Finish February 16, 2021 2:10:53pm UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 3)
Accuracy 97.4%
Points 66.20
Text #563 (Length: 252 characters)

There's a piece of Maria in every song that I sing. And the price of a memory is the memory of the sorrow it brings. And there is always one last light to turn out and one last bell to ring. And the last one out of the circus has to lock up everything.

Characters typed There' s a piece of Maria in every song that I sing.A ANd nd the rpprice of a memory is the memory of the sorrow it brings. And there is always one last light to turn out and one last bell to ring. And the last one ou tt of the cirucus has to lock up everythings.
Character T h e r e ' - s a p i e c e o f M a r i
Milliseconds 3758 169 65 55 105 38 264 569 121 103 95 112 104 129 104 183 153 48 129 79 153 183 217 121 118
Character a i n e v e r y s o n g t h a t I s i
Milliseconds 80 113 87 72 96 209 151 89 110 97 73 160 103 96 74 111 89 79 49 55 119 2360 192 87 113
Character n g . A -A A N d - -d -N n d t h e r p -p -r p
Milliseconds 88 111 170 583 425 259 152 178 87 128 298 144 163 142 73 95 103 81 104 105 375 145 230 137 191
Character r i c e o f a m e m o r y i s t h e m
Milliseconds 123 85 98 151 97 112 79 113 72 110 97 119 97 96 105 118 130 377 88 82 102 40 124 103 205
Character e m o r y o f t h e s o r r o w i t b r
Milliseconds 64 160 192 77 130 112 175 104 114 104 103 57 96 88 151 104 120 104 104 153 143 103 129 136 184
Character i n g s . A n d t h e r e i s a l w a y s
Milliseconds 96 88 65 111 112 161 206 273 89 128 102 106 38 80 80 64 82 77 121 95 74 106 151 95 119
Character o n e l a s t l i g h t t o t u r n o
Milliseconds 217 144 119 88 113 6 145 65 78 130 87 144 129 96 73 112 80 96 87 7 184 7 184 122 119
Character u t a n d o n e l a s t b e l l t o r
Milliseconds 96 65 119 105 96 95 135 338 88 57 112 150 103 34 87 121 152 175 89 111 120 104 200 128 88
Character i n g . A n d t h e l a s t o n e o u
Milliseconds 97 63 73 142 130 285 161 97 128 95 73 87 49 81 184 49 111 87 112 97 63 112 137 118 258
Character t -t - t o f t h e c i r u -u c u s h a s
Milliseconds 13 306 121 31 104 185 120 193 119 120 56 95 161 111 88 224 272 112 128 217 144 161 128 55 208
Character t o l o c k u p e v e r y t h i n g s -s .
Milliseconds 208 111 112 144 193 120 152 208 136 103 65 169 199 160 120 182 202 128 48 121 78 137 320 201
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.82 0
1.64 0
2.47 0
3.29 0
4.11 11.67
4.93 14.59
5.76 25.02
6.58 34.66
7.4 40.54
8.22 46.7
9.05 53.07
9.87 53.51
10.69 49.39
11.51 45.86
12.33 48.64
13.16 46.52
13.98 45.5
14.8 42.97
15.62 46.08
16.45 43.78
17.27 45.86
18.09 49.75
18.91 50.76
19.74 52.9
20.56 54.87
21.38 57.25
22.2 58.37
23.02 60.46
23.85 60.39
24.67 63.24
25.49 64.49
26.31 66.13
27.14 67.66
27.96 69.1
28.78 70.05
29.6 71.34
30.43 71.78
31.25 72.97
32.07 72.97
32.89 74.43
33.71 74.75
34.54 74.01
35.36 74.32
36.18 73.96
37 73.94
37.83 74.24
38.65 74.21
39.47 74.49
40.29 74.75
41.11 73.55