Cameron (cam_2000)

Race #3

View Pit Stop page for race #3 by cam_2000Ghost race

View profile for Cameron (cam_2000)

Official speed 44.44 wpm (68.05 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 44.70 wpm (398 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 45.82 wpm (1,649 ms elapsed before first character typed; 66.00 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 45.64 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start February 23, 2021 5:57:56pm UTC
Race Finish February 23, 2021 5:59:04pm UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 3)
Accuracy 97.4%
Points 35.55
Text #401 (Length: 252 characters)

He managed to open the cupboard door with his nose and found the 25-pound bag of low-fart dog biscuits the vet had prescribed for him, which had made him fart more. Even though he knew they made him fart more, he couldn't resist. He ate the entire bag.

Characters typed He managed to open the cupboard doo r with his nose and dfound the 25-pound bag of low-fart dog biscuotits the vet had prescribed for him, which had made him fart more. Even thought he kneew they made him fart more, he couldn't resist. He arte the entire beag.
Character H e m a n a g e d t o o p e n t h e c u
Milliseconds 1649 486 234 370 97 132 641 279 204 480 182 213 128 175 312 215 196 93 161 77 66 156 43 235 101
Character p b o a r d d o o - r w i t h h i s n o
Milliseconds 241 343 113 189 220 276 139 406 305 222 247 462 277 88 188 46 214 53 166 822 156 126 138 292 195
Character s e a n d d -d f o u n d t h e 2 5 - p o u
Milliseconds 105 165 393 138 126 132 147 356 420 166 101 281 259 158 117 220 55 141 132 905 265 957 1261 954 245
Character n d b a g o f l o w - f a r t d o g b i
Milliseconds 230 152 116 280 208 178 138 203 486 155 236 198 150 516 520 183 230 218 70 290 137 186 177 617 151
Character s c u o t -t -o i t s t h e v e t h a d p r
Milliseconds 180 243 742 172 164 447 149 254 189 265 185 157 60 154 101 184 185 349 245 181 71 200 292 493 139
Character e s c r i b e d f o r h i m , w h i c h h
Milliseconds 81 273 295 251 142 591 263 243 160 346 595 158 111 274 193 229 311 151 309 100 173 163 119 163 243
Character a d m a d e h i m f a r t m o r e . E v
Milliseconds 375 410 170 238 83 458 219 118 235 161 243 109 204 180 226 229 58 206 226 67 135 215 174 382 747
Character e n t h o u g h t - -t h e k n e e -e w t
Milliseconds 215 197 291 645 32 215 116 120 95 157 226 259 169 196 186 129 98 374 161 1149 283 461 136 83 311
Character h e y m a d e h i m f a r t m o r e , h
Milliseconds 56 107 144 119 215 137 316 211 104 260 166 206 165 183 317 280 217 109 248 206 148 872 319 191 290
Character e c o u l d n ' t r e s i s t . H e a r -r
Milliseconds 182 85 265 100 186 225 323 494 625 179 129 420 263 307 153 76 214 402 244 557 349 160 345 284 442
Character t e t h e e n t i r e b e -e a g .
Milliseconds 134 222 77 398 78 137 89 349 128 301 105 175 193 125 238 256 400 150 223 293
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
1.36 0
2.72 13.23
4.08 23.51
5.44 30.86
6.8 40.56
8.17 44.09
9.53 44.09
10.89 42.99
12.25 44.09
13.61 44.97
14.97 44.09
16.33 47.03
17.69 45.44
19.05 42.83
20.41 40.56
21.77 40.78
23.14 41.49
24.5 41.64
25.86 42.23
27.22 42.32
28.58 41.57
29.94 40.88
31.3 42.17
32.66 42.25
34.02 43.03
35.38 42.73
36.75 42.78
38.11 43.14
39.47 43.48
40.83 43.79
42.19 44.37
43.55 45.19
44.91 44.89
46.27 44.61
47.63 44.59
48.99 44.58
50.35 43.61
51.72 44.32
53.08 44.77
54.44 44.97
55.8 44.73
57.16 44.93
58.52 44.91
59.88 44.69
61.24 44.87
62.6 44.66
63.96 44.27
65.32 44.64
66.69 44.81
68.05 44.44