blaqshaq (blaqshaq)

Race #2138

View Pit Stop page for race #2138 by blaqshaqGhost race

View profile for blaqshaq (blaqshaq)

Official speed 127.48 wpm (15.34 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 129.20 wpm (112 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 131.45 wpm (260 ms elapsed before first character typed; 14.97 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 130.64 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start December 10, 2024 3:59:23am UTC
Race Finish December 10, 2024 3:59:38am UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 2)
Accuracy 97.0%
Points 61.62
Text #3640591 (Length: 163 characters)

There are still faint glimmers of civilization left in this barbaric slaughterhouse that was once known as humanity. He was one of them. What more is there to say?

Characters typed There are still faint glimmes oflimmers of cilvivilization left in this barbaric slaughterhouse that was once known s has humanity. He was one of them. Wanhat more is threre to say?
Character T h e r e a r e s t i l l f a i n t g l i
Milliseconds 260 82 59 64 94 78 75 60 61 44 80 51 51 27 144 59 40 42 57 48 40 19 92 32 34
Character m m e s o f -l -i -m -m -e -s - -o -f l i m m e r s o
Milliseconds 61 125 26 179 69 128 107 335 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 96 96 98 83 101 55 157 28 118
Character f c i l v -i -l -v i v i l i z a t i o n l e f t
Milliseconds 54 39 103 50 92 187 414 0 0 82 92 60 53 82 100 152 57 21 57 90 42 93 58 34 139
Character i n t h i s b a r b a r i c s l a u g h t
Milliseconds 48 32 52 80 53 72 47 49 33 100 81 46 107 65 73 83 79 15 128 6 126 6 368 105 90
Character e r h o u s e t h a t w a s o n c e k n o
Milliseconds 109 50 49 37 57 72 27 50 110 56 41 58 44 91 24 78 27 72 52 51 30 17 74 19 48
Character w n s h $a - -h s h u m a n i t y . H e w
Milliseconds 58 80 36 123 36 25 486 0 0 43 22 64 12 152 82 60 27 66 126 43 105 136 47 92 69
Character a s o n e o f t h e m . W a n -a -n h a t
Milliseconds 29 76 7 80 13 83 41 63 58 48 73 24 115 56 26 72 137 67 154 511 0 100 63 49 32
Character m o r e i s t h r -r e r e t o s a y ?
Milliseconds 77 43 28 39 7 99 54 34 87 59 110 536 75 32 134 26 91 281 102 74 60 43 181
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.31 39.1
0.61 97.76
0.92 130.35
1.23 136.86
1.53 164.24
1.84 149.9
2.15 128.49
2.45 112.42
2.76 99.93
3.07 101.67
3.38 103.09
3.68 110.8
3.99 105.28
4.3 97.76
4.6 93.85
4.91 97.76
5.22 101.21
5.52 104.28
5.83 109.08
6.14 113.4
6.44 117.31
6.75 119.09
7.06 120.71
7.36 118.94
7.67 118.88
7.98 121.82
8.29 124.55
8.59 127.09
8.9 132.15
9.21 135.56
9.51 133.71
9.82 129.53
10.13 130.35
10.43 132.26
10.74 131.84
11.05 133.61
11.35 136.34
11.66 137.89
11.97 138.37
12.27 135.89
12.58 132.57
12.89 131.28
13.2 134.59
13.5 135.98
13.81 132.95
14.12 130.06
14.42 130.62
14.73 128.72
15.04 129.28
15.34 127.48