blaqshaq (blaqshaq)

Race #2137

View Pit Stop page for race #2137 by blaqshaqGhost race

View profile for blaqshaq (blaqshaq)

Official speed 154.32 wpm (11.74 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 156.13 wpm (136 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 159.28 wpm (230 ms elapsed before first character typed; 11.38 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 158.23 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start December 10, 2024 3:58:17am UTC
Race Finish December 10, 2024 3:58:29am UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 2)
Accuracy 99.4%
Points 64.30
Text #3550029 (Length: 151 characters)

Just because there are things I don't remember doesn't make my actions meaningless. The world doesn't just disappear when you close your eyes, does it?

Characters typed Just because there are things I don't remember doesn't make my actions meaningless. The world doesn't just disapper wheisappear when you close your eyes, does it?
Character J u s t b e c a u s e t h e r e a r e t h
Milliseconds 230 148 52 56 46 35 56 69 80 79 75 31 66 108 48 48 65 102 66 30 81 48 27 97 53
Character i n g s I d o n ' t r e m e m b e r d o e
Milliseconds 86 577 77 43 92 119 57 43 64 49 49 35 46 83 19 32 100 59 145 28 51 33 67 81 79
Character s n ' t m a k e m y a c t i o n s m e a n
Milliseconds 20 60 40 67 46 51 52 109 48 60 43 81 37 94 68 144 57 40 32 39 53 75 73 42 42
Character i n g l e s s . T h e w o r l d d o e s n '
Milliseconds 99 68 91 77 73 36 137 64 80 114 69 68 12 59 80 77 59 64 61 71 93 63 36 61 16
Character t j u s t d i s a p p e r w h e -i -s -a -p -p -e
Milliseconds 84 48 28 140 46 34 51 107 50 64 43 48 133 10 66 52 68 70 98 483 0 0 0 0 0
Character -r - -w -h -e i s a p p e a r w h e n y o u c l
Milliseconds 0 0 0 0 0 96 69 51 61 128 23 37 64 47 115 82 76 70 63 86 77 56 60 37 27
Character o s e y o u r e y e s , d o e s i t ?
Milliseconds 148 43 53 27 36 72 65 41 42 120 48 85 51 52 57 48 72 59 34 32 59 88 115
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.23 51.1
0.47 76.65
0.7 136.27
0.94 140.52
1.17 143.08
1.41 153.3
1.64 160.6
1.88 159.69
2.11 147.62
2.35 132.86
2.58 134.72
2.82 132.01
3.05 141.51
3.29 149.65
3.52 146.49
3.76 153.3
3.99 156.3
4.23 158.98
4.46 158.68
4.7 160.96
4.93 160.6
5.17 164.91
5.4 166.63
5.64 163.94
5.87 165.56
6.11 163.13
6.34 162.76
6.58 164.25
6.81 165.63
7.05 166.93
7.28 169.78
7.51 169.27
7.75 167.23
7.98 162.32
8.22 157.68
8.45 153.3
8.69 149.16
8.92 145.23
9.16 146.75
9.39 148.19
9.63 148.31
9.86 148.43
10.1 149.73
10.33 149.81
10.57 152.16
10.8 152.19
11.04 153.3
11.27 154.36
11.51 156.43
11.74 154.32