blaqshaq (blaqshaq)

Race #2132

View Pit Stop page for race #2132 by blaqshaqGhost race

View profile for blaqshaq (blaqshaq)

Official speed 181.68 wpm (14.27 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 182.59 wpm (71 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 185.30 wpm (208 ms elapsed before first character typed; 13.99 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 184.44 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start November 10, 2023 11:54:27pm UTC
Race Finish November 10, 2023 11:54:41pm UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 4)
Opponents 2. impressed (133.74 wpm)
Accuracy 99.1%
Points 130.20
Text #4180146 (Length: 216 characters)

The way you walked was thorny, through no fault of your own, but as the rain enters the soil, the river enters the sea, so tears run to a predestined end. Your suffering is over, Bela my son. Now you will find peace.

Characters typed The way you walked was htorny, horny, through no fault of your own, but as the rain enters the soil, the river enters the sea, so tears run to a predestined end. Your suffering is over, Bela my son. Now you will find peace.
Character T h e w a y y o u w a l k e d w a s h t
Milliseconds 208 97 35 71 75 18 66 73 62 130 33 67 62 21 50 54 56 48 58 73 15 53 45 90 8
Character o r n y , -h -o -r -n -y -, - h o r n y , t h r o u
Milliseconds 10 113 37 88 45 133 230 0 0 0 0 0 0 99 17 74 81 58 67 46 44 60 67 49 13
Character g h n o f a u l t o f y o u r o w n ,
Milliseconds 74 84 79 85 28 42 50 17 50 25 87 14 100 40 27 70 97 31 40 25 99 57 78 84 46
Character b u t a s t h e r a i n e n t e r s t h
Milliseconds 98 39 19 56 34 45 63 53 68 23 68 80 75 54 46 52 59 90 28 80 62 91 45 64 61
Character e s o i l , t h e r i v e r e n t e r s
Milliseconds 43 35 90 27 50 117 114 54 47 71 24 46 43 47 88 131 21 77 65 118 47 107 61 94 61
Character t h e s e a , s o t e a r s r u n t o
Milliseconds 60 65 38 56 100 41 73 57 56 64 61 56 38 77 29 82 115 54 62 77 29 26 80 54 53
Character a p r e d e s t i n e d e n d . Y o u r s
Milliseconds 50 90 109 131 54 149 94 101 86 58 31 47 67 21 89 42 97 50 70 96 109 15 34 34 75
Character u f f e r i n g i s o v e r , B e l a m y
Milliseconds 65 45 77 153 34 69 37 63 27 86 37 36 82 47 110 44 70 82 152 64 90 38 59 45 78
Character s o n . N o w y o u w i l l f i n d p
Milliseconds 44 63 17 51 106 42 127 88 59 37 54 115 32 63 40 53 36 124 42 45 57 35 48 31 61
Character e a c e .
Milliseconds 58 6 84 70 57
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.29 42.06
0.57 147.19
0.86 140.19
1.14 168.22
1.43 185.05
1.71 168.22
2 144.19
2.28 126.17
2.57 135.51
2.85 142.99
3.14 149.11
3.42 157.71
3.71 164.99
3.99 168.22
4.28 165.42
4.57 170.85
4.85 175.64
5.14 175.23
5.42 177.08
5.71 176.63
5.99 180.24
6.28 177.78
6.56 181.02
6.85 180.49
7.13 178.32
7.42 177.93
7.7 179.13
7.99 178.74
8.27 179.82
8.56 179.44
8.85 180.43
9.13 181.37
9.42 179.69
9.7 176.88
9.99 177.84
10.27 177.57
10.56 177.32
10.84 179.29
11.13 177.93
11.41 178.74
11.7 179.51
11.98 179.24
12.27 178.98
12.55 178.74
12.84 179.44
13.13 179.19
13.41 179.86
13.7 180.49
13.98 181.96
14.27 181.68