Vielle (arc_sec)

Race #34571

View Pit Stop page for race #34571 by arc_secGhost race

View profile for Vielle (arc_sec)

Official speed 212.42 wpm (10.96 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 213.77 wpm (69 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 213.79 wpm (1 ms elapsed before first character typed; 10.89 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 212.69 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start September 28, 2024 6:06:57pm UTC
Race Finish September 28, 2024 6:07:08pm UTC
Outcome No win (1 of 1)
Accuracy 99.5%
Points 138.07
Text #4940063 (Length: 194 characters)

Ever since you were born you were cold as the snow. You were so scared to melt. You avoided the warmth that your family had gave in the same flowing breath that they said, "I love you to death."

Characters typed Ever since you were born you were cold as the snow. You were so scared to melt. You avoided the warmth that your family had giave in the same flowing breath that they said, "I love you to death."
Character E v e r s i n c e y o u w e r e b o r n
Milliseconds 1 96 96 62 14 68 86 24 33 34 43 80 24 25 62 37 30 62 81 29 80 59 71 46 50
Character y o u w e r e c o l d a s t h e s n o w
Milliseconds 64 54 24 31 36 31 62 97 13 85 36 96 26 29 52 32 61 62 65 19 61 67 61 24 61
Character . Y o u w e r e s o s c a r e d t o m
Milliseconds 98 40 63 73 23 64 4 63 48 96 12 84 116 7 68 64 48 94 17 80 45 79 41 54 67
Character e l t . Y o u a v o i d e d t h e w a r m
Milliseconds 32 102 39 106 54 33 87 24 31 51 63 87 15 43 63 81 44 80 47 35 30 68 31 15 95
Character t h t h a t y o u r f a m i l y h a d g
Milliseconds 45 146 46 81 31 51 44 33 97 39 25 48 30 97 19 45 22 19 70 31 80 36 63 30 94
Character i -i a v e i n t h e s a m e f l o w i n g
Milliseconds 89 301 45 47 33 44 72 25 48 30 34 34 61 68 47 30 81 14 65 56 16 42 99 25 31
Character b r e a t h t h a t t h e y s a i d , "
Milliseconds 48 80 146 16 34 91 49 79 63 113 2 46 47 79 51 33 45 31 101 32 50 44 119 69 106
Character I l o v e y o u t o d e a t h . "
Milliseconds 158 87 106 32 25 32 29 96 10 23 79 47 41 87 20 47 17 76 113 39 47
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.22 164.24
0.44 191.62
0.66 218.99
0.88 232.68
1.1 229.94
1.32 228.11
1.53 242.45
1.75 232.68
1.97 231.16
2.19 235.41
2.41 233.92
2.63 228.11
2.85 231.62
3.07 230.72
3.29 226.29
3.51 225.83
3.73 225.43
3.95 225.07
4.16 224.75
4.38 221.73
4.6 221.6
4.82 223.97
5.04 221.37
5.26 225.83
5.48 221.18
5.7 221.1
5.92 218.99
6.14 220.95
6.36 224.65
6.58 226.29
6.79 220.76
7.01 213.86
7.23 214.01
7.45 215.77
7.67 215.86
7.89 215.95
8.11 218.99
8.33 216.11
8.55 216.18
8.77 214.88
8.99 214.98
9.21 216.38
9.43 216.44
9.64 214.01
9.86 211.69
10.08 210.66
10.3 213.17
10.52 212.15
10.74 213.4
10.96 212.42