Vielle (arc_sec)

Race #34563

View Pit Stop page for race #34563 by arc_secGhost race

View profile for Vielle (arc_sec)

Official speed 175.90 wpm (15.42 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 176.62 wpm (63 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 176.63 wpm (1 ms elapsed before first character typed; 15.35 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 175.85 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start September 28, 2024 5:06:26pm UTC
Race Finish September 28, 2024 5:06:42pm UTC
Outcome No win (1 of 1)
Accuracy 97.7%
Points 137.79
Text #3810659 (Length: 226 characters)

It's a praying mantis. Do you know how they mate? The male will sneak up on the female and she'll bite off his head and the rest of his body will keep on mating and when they're done she'll eat him. She'll eat the rest of him.

Characters typed It's a praying ma ntisantis. Dio you o you know how theym mate? The male will sneak up on the female and she'll bite off his head and the rest of his body will keep on mating and whnen they're done hse'lhe'll eat him. She'll eat the rest of him.
Character I t ' s a p r a y i n g m a n t i s -a - -n
Milliseconds 1 87 121 59 11 85 75 58 87 67 92 87 24 48 33 64 35 93 0 29 121 75 396 0 0
Character -t -i -s a n t i s . D i o y o u -i -o - -y -o -u -
Milliseconds 0 0 0 51 61 80 70 60 100 56 35 100 0 40 47 74 40 15 322 0 0 0 0 0 0
Character o y o u k n o w h o w t h e y m - -m m
Milliseconds 85 71 32 41 40 45 90 24 25 42 43 97 40 43 44 79 16 83 61 113 94 229 111 106 97
Character a t e ? T h e m a l e w i l l s n e a k
Milliseconds 51 28 19 87 69 32 81 35 59 82 34 85 42 60 37 84 0 95 40 52 76 82 17 19 88
Character u p o n t h e f e m a l e a n d s h e '
Milliseconds 66 57 69 88 23 64 47 33 20 59 82 34 61 35 116 42 61 5 74 51 44 21 60 83 52
Character l l b i t e o f f h i s h e a d a n d
Milliseconds 33 95 40 46 57 88 20 27 57 56 97 45 66 39 14 41 80 35 32 80 12 84 30 50 27
Character t h e r e s t o f h i s b o d y w i l l
Milliseconds 96 17 50 61 49 49 19 75 31 11 102 29 50 38 45 44 63 57 74 28 33 52 34 33 97
Character k e e p o n m a t i n g a n d w h n -n e
Milliseconds 23 87 75 95 23 103 105 55 31 97 82 44 56 39 64 33 50 15 81 30 83 11 144 388 61
Character n t h e y ' r e d o n e h s e ' l -h -e -' -l h
Milliseconds 109 32 47 66 32 45 57 88 17 30 99 6 38 52 60 65 3 143 69 15 268 0 0 0 76
Character e ' l l e a t h i m . S h e ' l l e a t
Milliseconds 82 85 17 95 55 34 16 29 63 81 23 42 151 88 34 156 36 52 17 95 22 52 47 29 64
Character t h e r e s t o f h i m .
Milliseconds 80 48 20 59 66 49 17 74 34 57 56 45 66 39 9 40
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.31 194.58
0.62 175.12
0.93 181.61
1.23 155.66
1.54 124.53
1.85 110.26
2.16 116.75
2.47 116.75
2.78 103.78
3.08 101.18
3.39 116.75
3.7 126.48
4.01 128.72
4.32 119.53
4.63 114.15
4.93 121.61
5.24 128.19
5.55 134.04
5.86 135.18
6.17 140.1
6.48 146.4
6.78 148.59
7.09 152.28
7.4 155.66
7.71 155.66
8.02 160.15
8.33 164.31
8.63 166.78
8.94 169.08
9.25 172.53
9.56 173.24
9.87 177.55
10.18 176.89
10.48 176.27
10.79 176.79
11.1 178.36
11.41 175.65
11.72 172.05
12.03 172.63
12.33 173.18
12.64 174.65
12.95 170.49
13.26 168.33
13.57 170.7
13.88 170.36
14.18 170.05
14.49 171.4
14.8 172.69
15.11 174.72
15.42 175.9