Vielle (arc_sec)

Race #34560

View Pit Stop page for race #34560 by arc_secGhost race

View profile for Vielle (arc_sec)

Official speed 195.35 wpm (12.72 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 196.22 wpm (57 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 196.24 wpm (1 ms elapsed before first character typed; 12.66 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 195.29 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start September 28, 2024 4:06:37pm UTC
Race Finish September 28, 2024 4:06:50pm UTC
Outcome No win (1 of 1)
Accuracy 100.0%
Points 120.47
Text #4060054 (Length: 207 characters)

You been confusing since the day I met you. Another night chasing, this feels like home. Since I've been miles away, no change. Outsider inside looking dazed. Just wash the glitter off your face and go home.

Characters typed You been confusing since the day I met you. Another night chasing, this feels like home. Since I've been miles away, no change. Outsider inside looking dazed. Just wash the glitter off your face and go home.
Character Y o u b e e n c o n f u s i n g s i n c e
Milliseconds 1 88 42 13 62 36 114 59 49 51 69 24 80 96 51 114 26 46 49 68 83 24 33 33 46
Character t h e d a y I m e t y o u . A n o t h e
Milliseconds 77 51 18 75 36 50 107 32 54 73 65 51 28 32 96 24 25 135 71 18 94 40 39 96 18
Character r n i g h t c h a s i n g , t h i s f e e
Milliseconds 47 31 80 39 56 64 63 33 98 44 21 65 66 41 62 73 56 63 144 535 155 27 98 34 111
Character l s l i k e h o m e . S i n c e I ' v e
Milliseconds 70 75 44 40 47 80 43 45 48 57 41 65 69 56 51 115 26 50 16 45 88 95 73 18 45
Character b e e n m i l e s a w a y , n o c h a n g
Milliseconds 79 20 111 45 63 82 54 33 57 19 42 69 95 63 61 71 55 48 73 72 49 61 52 45 79
Character e . O u t s i d e r i n s i d e l o o k i n
Milliseconds 18 103 55 104 136 62 52 84 59 80 62 31 54 26 68 51 75 32 45 56 32 128 31 144 40
Character g d a z e d . J u s t w a s h t h e g l
Milliseconds 31 48 115 49 127 79 64 101 56 80 111 36 27 32 101 15 96 60 46 49 47 21 76 48 56
Character i t t e r o f f y o u r f a c e a n d g
Milliseconds 15 56 127 51 63 47 72 41 95 46 98 8 6 50 46 65 82 79 17 44 36 27 68 29 95
Character o h o m e .
Milliseconds 25 87 33 72 26 48 38
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.25 283.12
0.51 212.34
0.76 204.47
1.02 200.54
1.27 207.62
1.53 220.2
1.78 215.71
2.03 212.34
2.29 220.2
2.54 212.34
2.8 214.48
3.05 216.27
3.31 214.15
3.56 215.71
3.81 213.91
4.07 203.49
4.32 191.52
4.58 183.5
4.83 183.78
5.09 184.03
5.34 186.5
5.59 188.74
5.85 188.74
6.1 188.74
6.36 190.63
6.61 190.56
6.87 192.24
7.12 192.11
7.38 192
7.63 191.89
7.88 191.79
8.14 190.22
8.39 190.17
8.65 190.13
8.9 191.44
9.16 191.37
9.41 191.3
9.66 191.23
9.92 189.95
10.17 188.74
10.43 188.74
10.68 189.87
10.94 190.94
11.19 190.89
11.44 191.89
11.7 192.85
11.95 192.76
12.21 194.64
12.46 194.52
12.72 195.35