Iris (domina_iris)

Race #91

View Pit Stop page for race #91 by domina_irisGhost race

View profile for Iris (domina_iris)

Official speed 36.81 wpm (26.73 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 37.04 wpm (165 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 37.63 wpm (421 ms elapsed before first character typed; 26.15 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 37.18 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start January 12, 2024 8:49:06pm UTC
Race Finish January 12, 2024 8:49:32pm UTC
Outcome No win (3 of 3)
Accuracy 95.8%
Points 7.98
Text #3811091 (Length: 82 characters)

Notoriety, for whatever reason, never seems to benefit the noted, only the notees.

Characters typed Notoriety, for swhatever reason, never seems to benifieifit the noted, only the
Character N o t o r i e t y , f o r s -s w h a t e v e r
Milliseconds 421 213 174 342 331 534 274 176 717 532 139 589 127 128 66 255 492 194 472 90 159 1022 270 122 113
Character r e a s o n , n e v e r s e e m s t o b
Milliseconds 88 219 68 133 278 179 202 310 116 963 423 362 171 101 196 70 200 153 188 174 127 193 119 91 610
Character e n i f i -i -f -i e i -i f i t t h e n o t e d ,
Milliseconds 169 224 687 216 102 434 179 115 366 208 363 132 129 151 137 370 76 137 98 353 202 131 176 393 627
Character o n l y t h e n o t e s . -. -s e s .
Milliseconds 150 352 216 216 337 118 356 73 100 76 260 165 126 179 182 209 1210 721 590 847 223
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.53 22.45
1.07 33.67
1.6 37.41
2.14 33.67
2.67 35.91
3.21 33.67
3.74 32.06
4.28 30.86
4.81 37.41
5.35 33.67
5.88 32.65
6.42 33.67
6.95 32.8
7.48 32.06
8.02 34.42
8.55 37.88
9.09 38.29
9.62 39.9
10.16 37.8
10.69 37.03
11.23 36.34
11.76 38.77
12.3 40.01
12.83 41.15
13.37 42.2
13.9 42.3
14.44 41.56
14.97 40.08
15.5 38.7
16.04 37.41
16.57 36.93
17.11 37.17
17.64 37.41
18.18 38.95
18.71 39.76
19.25 39.9
19.78 38.82
20.32 38.98
20.85 39.71
21.39 39.84
21.92 41.06
22.45 41.68
22.99 41.24
23.52 40.3
24.06 39.4
24.59 38.55
25.13 37.73
25.66 37.41
26.2 36.65
26.73 36.81