Mrs. (lgraves)

Race #48

View Pit Stop page for race #48 by lgravesGhost race

View profile for Mrs. (lgraves)

Official speed 67.38 wpm (62.15 seconds elapsed during race)
Race Start February 4, 2011 8:30:17pm UTC
Race Finish February 4, 2011 8:31:19pm UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 3)
Opponents 3. jpolinski (47.55 wpm)
Points 0.00
Text #386 (Length: 349 characters)

The goal of the true seeker is to become a sage, or superior man. There are certain immutable laws of the universe, which the sage must be in harmony with. Different Ninja sects espouse some laws in particular, according them greater significance than the others. But each law is essential in its own right, and must be considered equal to the rest.