ummi cantik (aquarius12)

Race #132

View Pit Stop page for race #132 by aquarius12Ghost race

View profile for ummi cantik (aquarius12)

Official speed 68.63 wpm (13.81 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 69.56 wpm (185 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 70.78 wpm (235 ms elapsed before first character typed; 13.39 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 69.89 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start March 22, 2024 10:34:17am UTC
Race Finish March 22, 2024 10:34:31am UTC
Outcome No win (4 of 4)
Opponents 3. ikdtoto2 (71.00 wpm)
Accuracy 97.1%
Points 22.88
Text #5000041 (Length: 79 characters)

why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why why

Characters typed why why why why why why6 why6 why why why why why why why why whyy why why wyhy why why why
Character w h y w h y w h y w h y w h y w h y 6
Milliseconds 235 109 152 170 119 96 153 160 99 76 138 139 82 89 145 146 86 86 145 153 81 99 148 0 143
Character w h y 6 - -6 -y -h -w - -6 -y -h -w w h y w h y w h
Milliseconds 81 97 169 0 156 250 515 24 33 29 31 31 48 30 36 162 168 124 144 132 318 166 136 88 80
Character y w h y w h y w h y w h y w h y w h y
Milliseconds 131 140 73 88 146 141 93 77 142 150 65 91 141 149 69 87 156 149 107 51 167 147 97 72 177
Character -y y w h y w h y w y -y h y w h y w h y
Milliseconds 490 649 153 67 87 137 154 68 88 138 157 68 116 389 351 139 148 76 89 146 137 79 72 137 166
Character w h y
Milliseconds 92 93 139
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.28 43.44
0.55 65.16
0.83 72.39
1.11 76.01
1.38 86.87
1.66 86.87
1.93 86.87
2.21 92.3
2.49 91.7
2.76 86.87
3.04 78.98
3.32 72.39
3.59 66.83
3.87 62.05
4.14 57.92
4.42 54.3
4.7 51.1
4.97 53.09
5.25 54.87
5.53 54.3
5.8 55.85
6.08 57.26
6.35 58.55
6.63 61.54
6.91 62.55
7.18 65.16
7.46 67.57
7.74 68.26
8.01 68.9
8.29 69.5
8.56 71.46
8.84 73.3
9.12 71.08
9.39 68.99
9.67 67.02
9.95 65.16
10.22 64.57
10.5 66.3
10.77 66.83
11.05 68.41
11.33 68.86
11.6 67.22
11.88 65.66
12.16 65.16
12.43 65.64
12.71 66.1
12.98 67.47
13.26 67.87
13.54 69.14
13.81 68.63