(^.~) (lolyourfunny)

Country: United States

Update races (Last import: 2024 April 27, 8:19:09am UTC)
Races 17
Best last 10 races 146.17 wpm
Best single race 173.25 wpm
Average of fastest races
149.96 wpm
Fastest race from each text, average 139.2471 wpm (14 total texts raced)
Wins 13 (76.47%)
Points 0.00
Average career speed 139.54 wpm
Accuracy 95.47%
100% accuracy races 165.67 wpm (11.76% of all races)
Career standard deviation 16.92 wpm
Coefficient of variation 12.12%
Top marathon 17 races in 24 hours, starting 2012 April 4, 4:49pm

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Month Average Best Races Wins Win %
April 2012 139.54 173.25 17 13 76.47
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Last 17 Races

Race Date WPM Text Outcome Acc. Points
17. 2012-04-05 01:41:25 154.06 It was evident that he came from the world where men could s... Win (1 of 3) 98%
16. 2012-04-04 17:03:00 115.51 I know a bloke who knows a bloke who knows a bloke. Now, I k... No win (2 of 3) 90%
15. 2012-04-04 17:01:54 131.04 Ever since I was a child, folks have thought they had me peg... Win (1 of 3) 96%
14. 2012-04-04 17:00:34 130.88 Her hair reminds me of a warm safe place where as a child I'... No win (2 of 3) 89%
13. 2012-04-04 16:59:57 173.25 There is a trick for learning to type faster. That trick is ... Win (1 of 3) 97%
12. 2012-04-04 16:58:51 141.57 Ever since I was a child, folks have thought they had me peg... Win (1 of 3) 98%
11. 2012-04-04 16:57:42 167.03 I know a bloke who knows a bloke who knows a bloke. Now, I k... Win (1 of 3) 100%
10. 2012-04-04 16:57:06 156.62 Remember that humor is written backwards. That means you fir... Win (1 of 3) 96%
9. 2012-04-04 16:56:29 164.31 There is a trick for learning to type faster. That trick is ... Win (1 of 3) 100%
8. 2012-04-04 16:54:35 125.03 Always do your best - your best is going to change from mome... No win (2 of 3) 92%
7. 2012-04-04 16:53:55 128.51 Life is not suffering; it's just that you will suffer it, ra... Win (1 of 3) 95%
6. 2012-04-04 16:53:12 143.49 I know a bloke who knows a bloke who knows a bloke. Now, I k... Win (1 of 3) 96%
5. 2012-04-04 16:52:33 126.41 I know a bloke who knows a bloke who knows a bloke. Now, I k... Win (1 of 3) 97%
4. 2012-04-04 16:51:51 127.36 There is a trick for learning to type faster. That trick is ... No win (2 of 3) 97%
3. 2012-04-04 16:51:18 128.35 I've been looking so long at these pictures of you that I al... Win (1 of 3) 94%
2. 2012-04-04 16:50:23 137.37 A computer needs a manager to administer its operations, jus... Win (1 of 3) 97%
1. 2012-04-04 16:49:20 121.38 One thing I've learned in the last seven years: in every gam... Win (1 of 3) 91%


Universe Races Best Race Text Bests Texts Last Race
Default (English) 6,107 191.04 137.76 1,103 July 25, 2023
Easy Texts 17 173.25 139.25 14 April 5, 2012