
Sorted by best 10 races

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Rank Racer Text Bests Races Texts Career Best 10 Best Race Points Wins Win % Marathon Last Race Variation
1. Casey (amazingkc) 99.77 1 1 99.77 99.77 99.77 0.00 1 100.00 1 2012-11-02 0.00
2. Gigi (gigifisher) 58.72 58 54 58.69 66.59 73.83 0.00 28 48.28 26 2016-09-26 9.73
3. Marty (electricdream) 43.95 60 56 43.72 51.15 58.76 0.00 33 55.00 20 2012-11-13 11.01
4. Klara (kewtiepie) 34.99 252 228 34.80 47.93 49.60 0.00 136 53.97 48 2013-10-25 14.44
5. Laura (rosieco) 32.42 245 222 32.15 44.14 48.40 0.00 93 37.96 47 2013-03-22 17.79
6. cole (grodemange) 22.51 50 49 22.59 28.96 34.27 0.00 19 38.00 43 2012-11-08 21.51
7. Wilson (wilson01) 17.73 5 5 17.72 17.73 21.63 0.00 1 20.00 2 2012-11-29 12.14
8. alex (alexcharla) 14.54 8 8 14.54 14.54 17.09 0.00 2 25.00 8 2012-11-05 10.66