Texts missing for dylan_9802 (dylan_9802)

ID Text Length Races Difficulty Rating
2400000 a) [MAN] A man ordered 2,000 drums of pink ping pong balls in Paris, France. Eac... 537 11 1.0082
2400001 [MAN] Every day his friends asked the same question, and every day he gave the s... 698 10 0.9333
2400002 [FRIEND] His friends decided to wait one more day and pronounce the alphabet to ... 246 12 0.6834
2400003 The next day they were gathered in the man's house for the big revelation. The m... 463 21 1.1089
2400004 I'll take the notebook and the external CD & DVD reader. To order Super-Puper-Ba... 488 9 0.9657