Texts missing for Slowpokies (slowpokies)

ID Text Length Races Difficulty Rating
0 This is a placeholder text. You are seeing it because there are no other texts a... 167 171 1.0163
2400005 Can you type fast? 18 78 1.0224
3700000 How about this text? How about this text? How about this text? How about this te... 839 58 1.0617
3700001 All things will be produced in superior quantity and quality, and with greater e... 228 1,369 1.0637
3700002 Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yoursel... 314 1,492 1.0718
3700003 Good games offer players a set of challenging problems and then let them practic... 493 957 0.9688
3700004 It is always important, I think, to be clear about what delights you: important,... 184 1,358 1.1022
3700005 If we can simply determine whether Johnson was "conservative" or "liberal," for ... 401 880 1.0312
3700006 Flinging the history of inflicted pain into the perfect teeth of those who glibl... 548 836 1.0000
3700007 In the beginning, the field concept was no more than a means of facilitating the... 2316 402 0.9742
3700008 2.71828182 8459045235 3602874713 5266249775 7247093699 9595749669 6762772407 663... 197 1,066 0.6032
3700009 Speed is the consort of death, as pleasure is of life. Speed defies sensuality; ... 203 1,571 1.0783
3700010 Jongens waren we - maar aardige jongens. Al zeg ik 't zelf. We zijn nu veel wijz... 144 746 0.8649
3700011 Nu credeam sa-nvat a muri vreodata; pururi tanar, infasurat in manta-mi, ochii m... 123 892 0.8811
3700012 Te recuerdo como eras en el ultimo otono. Eras la boina gris y el corazon en cal... 340 740 0.8848
3700013 Learning a foreign language not only reveals how other societies think and feel,... 236 689 1.1414
3700014 Marahil ang bugtong na bagay na hindi matututulang ikinatatangi ng tao sa mga ha... 321 624 0.8260