Text #3811403

There was but one question he left unasked, and it vibrated between his lines: if gross miscalculations of a person's value could occur on a baseball field, before a live audience of thirty thousand, and a television audience of millions more, what did that say about the measurement of performance in other lines of work? If professional baseball players could be over- or undervalued, who couldn't?

—from Moneyball, a book by Michael Lewis

Active since August 27, 2017.
400 total characters in this text.

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Rank Username WPM Accuracy Date
6637. Frode (fr0so) 46.24 96% 2019-04-01
6638. Bùi (thundergod1311) 46.24 93% 2020-06-13
6639. Prince (princesp) 46.23 95% 2018-05-10
6640. Nigel (mnigel808) 46.22 94% 2020-04-15
6641. fella (fellasaurus) 46.17 98% 2021-07-29
6642. Dimitris (yoofighter) 46.17 96% 2020-05-14
6643. Eric (ericniyigaba) 46.16 94% 2020-05-01
6644. Akshay (akshaykumar99) 46.09 94% 2020-03-27
6645. Pushkar (azuloto) 46.03 94% 2019-11-05
6646. Mark (pap1) 46.02 95% 2021-08-14
6647. SlowKey (slowkey) 45.96 95% 2018-01-31
6648. Pranto (pranto2722) 45.96 94% 2017-10-25
6649. zahra (zahra_navidi) 45.95 96% 2018-01-22
6650. A (b04501012) 45.89 95% 2020-03-20
6651. prekolae (prekolae) 45.85 94% 2019-08-02
6652. Bektur (bektur) 45.85 96% 2017-09-20
6653. Rishi_ (upsehu) 45.84 96% 2018-07-07
6654. Gustav (ultragurkatv) 45.83 93% 2020-11-05
6655. eugene (el871109) 45.81 94% 2017-09-08
6656. Ashwin (ultradestroyer10) 45.76 94% 2018-11-17
6657. pasupathi (pasu_chennai) 45.73 97% 2020-11-20
6658. 誌綸 (tdog0507) 45.72 95% 2020-12-14
6659. waseem ahmad bhat (waseemraja) 45.72 94% 2017-11-24
6660. Arif (arif224) 45.71 95% 2018-07-28
6661. haile (obsessedu) 45.70 96% 2019-02-14
6662. jadder (jhammond) 45.69 97% 2017-09-14
6663. riaz (mdriaz) 45.68 94% 2020-08-31
6664. youngwook (toodamncool) 45.68 95% 2019-05-16
6665. Sur (phonelock) 45.67 96% 2017-09-03
6666. Krist0 (krist033) 45.66 93% 2020-06-27


Universe Races Average WPM First Race
Default (English) 9,908 81.82 August 27, 2017
Instant Death Mode 7 121.97 February 12, 2019
ᗜ Stenography 6 58.70 June 26, 2020