Text #3811009

There was a demon that lived in the air. They said whoever challenged him would die. Their controls would freeze up, their planes would buffet wildly, and they would disintegrate. The demon lived at Mach 1 on the meter, seven hundred and fifty miles an hour, where the air could no longer move out of the way. He lived behind a barrier through which they said no man could ever pass. They called it the sound barrier.

—from The Right Stuff, a movie by Philip Kaufman

Active since July 25, 2017.
417 total characters in this text.

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Rank Username WPM Accuracy Date
12548. Eren Yeager (itzadit) 73.14 98% 2023-03-02
12549. Oskar (guywithocd) 73.14 95% 2021-03-17
12550. smelly_diaper (kimthong) 73.13 98% 2018-02-11
12551. Jing (jing_feng) 73.11 96% 2019-03-08
12552. Bekzodbek (bekhan02) 73.10 96% 2023-05-06
12553. Alfie (alfiefogg) 73.10 98% 2021-12-09
12554. rey (mangotrees) 73.10 97.4% 2021-02-18
12555. jod (thedeathofjudeusfaitheus) 73.09 95.8% 2021-03-02
12556. Smelly (burdturglar) 73.09 97% 2020-05-24
12557. Manvik (mastikhorgamer) 73.08 96% 2022-01-28
12558. Vũ (khanhyeuquan) 73.07 96% 2021-05-12
12559. Tu (vuanhtu52) 73.07 97% 2020-08-17
12560. Dan (paracor) 73.06 95% 2023-07-25
12561. kayg (miryokucolemakdh) 73.06 95% 2021-06-21
12562. Aidan (aidanclark) 73.06 96% 2017-08-20
12563. bulby (bulbyboy) 73.06 96% 2017-10-16
12564. Mykola (nickolanick) 73.05 96% 2020-11-06
12565. TinaPOG (tinapog) 73.05 96% 2021-01-16
12566. Mojtaba (mojtaba_jahan) 73.04 97% 2021-06-28
12567. gechleng (ngorgechleng) 73.04 97% 2023-01-20
12568. dani (danisirico) 73.03 96% 2022-08-16
12569. Jennifer (jaden316) 73.01 97.9% 2024-03-25
12570. Lirei (lirei) 73.01 98% 2021-02-05
12571. Ar7N (ar7n) 73.00 97% 2023-04-29
12572. tiglas (tiglas) 73.00 98% 2019-08-31
12573. Adrian (adrian4k_) 72.99 95% 2021-03-15
12574. dincer (dincer1998) 72.99 96% 2021-01-14
12575. Juan (juanmartinez111) 72.98 96% 2022-10-19
12576. Calix (cjkache) 72.98 96% 2021-02-12
12577. dirty dan (dirtydan123) 72.97 97% 2023-09-19


Universe Races Average WPM First Race
Default (English) 29,454 90.76 July 25, 2017
Long Texts 71 86.00 May 8, 2017
Instant Death Mode 40 102.43 December 17, 2018
ᗜ Stenography 2 91.90 November 15, 2021