Text #5390271

Blore stood rigid - listening. He could hear sounds everywhere now, cracks, rustles, mysterious whispers - but his dogged, realistic brain knew them for what they were - the creations of his own heated imagination. And then suddenly he heard something that was not imagination. Footsteps, very soft, very cautious, but plainly audible to a man listening with all his ears as Blore was listening.

—from And Then There Were None, a book by Agatha Christie

Active since April 12, 2023.
395 total characters in this text.

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Rank Username WPM Accuracy Date
1628. Christian (xxxcleverchrisxxx) 87.80 96% 2024-03-03
1629. Johnny (johnchan215) 87.79 97% 2023-07-23
1630. Mohammad (daretohackme) 87.79 98% 2023-05-11
1631. yousef_wael (yousef_wael) 87.76 97.4% 2024-02-06
1632. Rusty (epic_pharaoh) 87.75 96.7% 2023-11-29
1633. SanjaySK (sanjaysk) 87.69 96% 2023-10-09
1634. Tevefan (tevefan) 87.68 99% 2023-12-13
1635. squall (squalllionheart) 87.68 98.8% 2023-10-19
1636. Bob (bobvance69) 87.66 95% 2024-06-09
1637. ab1shek (ab1shek) 87.65 97% 2023-07-10
1638. Dang Hai (haidanghoang193) 87.63 96% 2023-05-15
1639. greed (greedthelazy) 87.63 97% 2024-07-15
1640. rajnish (rajnishkumar31) 87.62 97.7% 2023-10-12
1641. Shelby (typo5) 87.62 97.3% 2023-12-30
1642. Mac (immaculatemac) 87.58 98% 2023-06-15
1643. tstats[ymagunn] (ymagunn) 87.58 97.5% 2024-02-08
1644. Makailon (braumberger) 87.55 98.6% 2024-01-08
1645. qweqwe (qweu) 87.54 99% 2023-10-10
1646. skfa (skfa78) 87.52 97% 2023-06-10
1647. P1E (urmammatron) 87.49 96% 2023-05-24
1648. Jorge (arrogantbeggar) 87.46 99% 2023-10-05
1649. cu63y (qu63y) 87.45 97% 2023-07-29
1650. Shiva (shivajreddy) 87.41 98% 2024-04-28
1651. Snail (snail_geezer) 87.40 98% 2023-04-14
1652. Speed (speed_demon_123) 87.40 96% 2023-08-17
1653. Richard Peng (bigrichard88) 87.37 98% 2023-08-30
1654. Y3 (yyy333) 87.37 97% 2023-11-16
1655. delfador42 (delfador42) 87.36 98.6% 2023-11-22
1656. Daaaaa (dadaloh) 87.32 96.3% 2023-09-22
1657. kc (kc067) 87.30 97% 2024-05-15


Universe Races Average WPM First Race
Default (English) 4,473 89.31 April 12, 2023