Tsukasa@Dvorak (tsukasa_)

Race #7081

View Pit Stop page for race #7081 by tsukasa_Ghost race

View profile for Tsukasa@Dvorak (tsukasa_)

Official speed 202.03 wpm (6.18 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 204.26 wpm (67 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 204.39 wpm (4 ms elapsed before first character typed; 6.11 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 202.42 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start April 14, 2024 1:14:04pm UTC
Race Finish April 14, 2024 1:14:10pm UTC
Outcome No win (1 of 1)
Accuracy 100.0%
Points 70.71
Text #3550177 (Length: 104 characters)

I'm going to roll my window up, then I'm going to drive away, and you're gonna go home to your daughter.

Characters typed I'm going to roll my window up, then I'm going to drive away, and you're gonna go home to your daughter.
Character I ' m g o i n g t o r o l l m y w i n d
Milliseconds 4 114 16 124 69 50 43 24 40 48 60 70 65 91 74 84 125 42 116 43 65 77 50 64 35
Character o w u p , t h e n I ' m g o i n g t o
Milliseconds 17 73 35 66 50 17 94 57 25 49 39 37 100 118 81 42 98 34 25 60 41 59 59 74 44
Character d r i v e a w a y , a n d y o u ' r e g o
Milliseconds 47 51 16 92 40 44 116 87 46 41 34 28 104 34 43 49 60 84 64 50 84 44 48 49 52
Character n n a g o h o m e t o y o u r d a u g h
Milliseconds 66 133 58 59 83 49 59 50 50 49 61 66 43 57 57 52 65 75 25 93 42 90 25 69 107
Character t e r .
Milliseconds 28 22 42 41
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.12 194.26
0.25 145.69
0.37 161.88
0.49 218.54
0.62 213.69
0.74 210.45
0.86 194.26
0.99 194.26
1.11 183.47
1.24 174.83
1.36 176.6
1.48 178.07
1.61 186.79
1.73 194.26
1.85 200.73
1.98 194.26
2.1 199.97
2.22 199.66
2.35 194.26
2.47 194.26
2.59 194.26
2.72 198.67
2.84 198.48
2.97 198.31
3.09 202.03
3.21 201.73
3.34 201.45
3.46 197.73
3.58 200.96
3.71 200.73
3.83 203.66
3.95 203.37
4.08 203.09
4.2 199.97
4.32 202.59
4.45 202.35
4.57 199.51
4.69 199.37
4.82 199.24
4.94 199.12
5.07 201.37
5.19 201.2
5.31 201.04
5.44 200.88
5.56 202.89
5.68 200.59
5.81 202.53
5.93 200.33
6.05 202.19
6.18 202.03