izanagi (iamaccuracy)

Race #1117

View Pit Stop page for race #1117 by iamaccuracyGhost race

View profile for izanagi (iamaccuracy)

Official speed 230.33 wpm (14.22 seconds elapsed during race)
Without ending ping 233.32 wpm (182 ms delay sending score to TypeRacer’s server)
Timerless 237.12 wpm (225 ms elapsed before first character typed; 13.82 seconds elapsed during race)
Timerless minus one 236.25 wpm, ignoring the first character typed
Race Start November 19, 2023 4:51:27am UTC
Race Finish November 19, 2023 4:51:41am UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 3)
Accuracy 100.0%
Points 195.78
Text #403 (Length: 273 characters)

When we conceive of the sweetest being ever, we are conceiving of the being that exists both in the mind and in reality. Since the ninja is that being than which nothing sweeter can be conceived and that being exists in the mind and in reality, the ninja exists in reality.

Characters typed When we conceive of the sweetest being ever, we are conceiving of the being that exists both in the mind and in reality. Since the ninja is that being than which nothing sweeter can be conceived and that being exists in the mind and in reality, the ninja exists in reality.
Character W h e n w e c o n c e i v e o f t h e s
Milliseconds 225 58 97 46 54 68 22 80 53 47 30 68 34 51 65 39 61 22 60 55 59 32 52 49 68
Character w e e t e s t b e i n g e v e r , w e a r
Milliseconds 117 39 112 100 84 36 51 43 34 69 50 22 35 33 45 78 32 19 32 22 77 9 69 42 50
Character e c o n c e i v i n g o f t h e b e i n g
Milliseconds 19 50 61 34 26 90 21 66 58 72 22 55 41 34 70 28 75 18 52 27 52 51 54 39 40
Character t h a t e x i s t s b o t h i n t h e
Milliseconds 28 102 20 73 38 66 80 37 92 45 87 50 48 51 29 46 61 62 59 23 82 64 41 68 9
Character m i n d a n d i n r e a l i t y . S i n c
Milliseconds 52 51 70 34 60 75 58 38 59 29 39 68 22 26 45 37 28 58 17 68 32 120 116 33 50
Character e t h e n i n j a i s t h a t b e i n g
Milliseconds 90 0 55 22 55 36 49 20 90 66 63 52 50 55 53 26 40 41 28 42 34 31 80 26 39
Character t h a n w h i c h n o t h i n g s w e e t
Milliseconds 42 141 51 73 58 41 24 61 37 28 56 42 66 42 42 73 25 76 24 45 58 132 37 96 107
Character e r c a n b e c o n c e i v e d a n d t
Milliseconds 55 26 69 21 48 32 57 39 67 50 42 60 19 73 57 83 50 83 86 19 74 31 43 58 54
Character h a t b e i n g e x i s t s i n t h e m
Milliseconds 46 40 32 46 20 54 42 66 80 133 79 11 84 41 60 57 35 38 21 78 0 62 32 50 49
Character i n d a n d i n r e a l i t y , t h e n
Milliseconds 54 71 49 31 57 37 40 36 38 44 52 0 23 38 30 15 72 21 47 24 55 67 13 67 46
Character i n j a e x i s t s i n r e a l i t y .
Milliseconds 20 82 40 80 68 85 0 275 47 70 66 41 39 34 56 12 22 62 0 18 71 9 49
WPM Timing
Seconds WPM
0.28 84.37
0.57 126.55
0.85 168.74
1.14 189.83
1.42 194.05
1.71 189.83
1.99 186.82
2.28 195.11
2.56 210.92
2.84 215.14
3.13 218.59
3.41 221.47
3.7 223.9
3.98 229
4.27 224.99
4.55 224.11
4.84 223.33
5.12 222.64
5.4 224.25
5.69 223.58
5.97 226.99
6.26 230.1
6.54 225.6
6.83 228.5
7.11 227.8
7.4 228.77
7.68 231.24
7.96 229
8.25 229.83
8.53 230.61
8.82 231.34
9.1 228.06
9.39 228.82
9.67 228.29
9.96 229
10.24 227.33
10.53 228.03
10.81 229.8
11.09 227.15
11.38 226.74
11.66 228.42
11.95 229
12.23 230.55
12.52 232.98
12.8 234.36
13.09 233.85
13.37 230.67
13.65 229.38
13.94 232.45
14.22 230.33