Jeffrey (jeffrey_chen99)

Race #84

View Pit Stop page for race #84 by jeffrey_chen99Ghost race

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Official speed 101.62 wpm (52.78 seconds elapsed during race)
Race Start February 3, 2020 6:27:56am UTC
Race Finish February 3, 2020 6:28:48am UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 4)
Opponents 3. ibrahim1018 (72.26 wpm)
Accuracy 98.0%
Points 147.34
Text #3641068 (Length: 447 characters)

We may never know who killed Paige. But this isn't about you not going to jail for Paige's murder, this is about you not living a lie. Not hiding. This is about you standing up and being who you are. That's honorable, that's brave, that's heroic, and that's who you are, Sully. You're a hero. You fought a war and you were braver than I can ever imagine being. This is just another war - for every gay person who ever wore a uniform. Be brave now.