haryson (xooflo)

Race #686

View Pit Stop page for race #686 by xoofloGhost race

View profile for haryson (xooflo)

Official speed 110.12 wpm (51.33 seconds elapsed during race)
Race Start September 30, 2020 8:13:46pm UTC
Race Finish September 30, 2020 8:14:37pm UTC
Outcome No win (2 of 4)
Opponents 1. onlynubsquit1 (135.57 wpm)
3. angelic_devil (95.74 wpm)
Accuracy 96.0%
Points 161.51
Text #3551216 (Length: 471 characters)

If you can't focus at all, it's also good to confine yourself somewhere and study! The thrill of studying in a place where you might get caught does wonders for your focus! Oh, and I also recommend studying in a disaster zone. The thrill of studying in a place where you could actually die does wonders for your focus! Oh, and I also recommend studying in the middle of your exams. The thrill of knowing it's too late to get any studying done does wonders for your focus!