Flip (flip2theleft)

Race #38222

View Pit Stop page for race #38222 by flip2theleftGhost race

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Official speed 96.21 wpm (42.16 seconds elapsed during race)
Race Start April 23, 2020 12:54:32am UTC
Race Finish April 23, 2020 12:55:14am UTC
Outcome No win (4 of 5)
Opponents 1. dreamofsleeping (115.17 wpm)
3. lemoninapie (96.63 wpm)
5. engscholar15 (95.12 wpm)
Accuracy 97.0%
Points 83.38
Text #3100083 (Length: 338 characters)

Punishment and negative reinforcement are opposites. Punishment is when something bad happens to you because of something you did; negative reinforcement is when something bad stops happening to you, or doesn't start happening to you in the first place, because of something you did. Punishment is bad, and negative reinforcement is good.