Kratagya (chutiyatyper)

Race #3133

View Pit Stop page for race #3133 by chutiyatyperGhost race

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Official speed 70.56 wpm (84.52 seconds elapsed during race)
Race Start September 23, 2021 11:20:04am UTC
Race Finish September 23, 2021 11:21:29am UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 5)
Opponents 2. vinayak_7989 (66.08 wpm)
3. sayandip199309 (64.13 wpm)
Accuracy 95.0%
Points 111.73
Text #4180845 (Length: 497 characters)

Klausner sat down beside the telephone and waited. He tried to remember what the shriek of the tree had sounded like, but he couldn't. He could remember only that it had been enormous and frightful and that it had made him feel sick with horror. He tried to imagine what sort of noise a human would make if he had to stand anchored to the ground while someone deliberately swung a small sharp thing at his leg so that the blade cut in deep and wedged itself in the cut. Same sort of noise perhaps?