quipo (quipo)

Race #2538

View Pit Stop page for race #2538 by quipoGhost race

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Official speed 90.18 wpm (69.73 seconds elapsed during race)
Race Start November 12, 2020 9:15:00pm UTC
Race Finish November 12, 2020 9:16:10pm UTC
Outcome Win (1 of 5)
Opponents 2. elisac00 (86.40 wpm)
Accuracy 96.0%
Points 141.27
Text #3550182 (Length: 524 characters)

Now, that's 200 dollars, dead or alive. I'm aware this is probably disconcerting news, but I'm willing to wager this man was elected sheriff sometime in the last 2 years. I know this because 3 years ago, he was rustling cattle from the B.C. Corrigan Cattle Company of Lubbock, Texas. Now this is a warrant, made out by circuit court Judge Henry Allen Laudermilk of Austin, Texas. You're encouraged to wire him. He'll back up who I am, and who your dear departed sheriff was. In other words, Marshall, you owe me 200 dollars.